
A quadrilateral with texture coordinate information.

Quads can be used to select part of a texture to draw. In this way, one large Texture Atlas can be loaded, and then split up into sub-images.


love.graphics.newQuadCreates a new Quad.


Object:releaseImmediately destroys the object's Lua reference.
Object:typeGets the type of the object as a string.
Object:typeOfChecks whether an object is of a certain type.
Quad:flipFlips this quad horizontally, vertically, or both.
Quad:getLayerGets the layer specified by Quad:setLayer.
Quad:getTextureDimensionsGets reference texture dimensions initially specified in love.graphics.newQuad.
Quad:getViewportGets the current viewport of this Quad.
Quad:setLayerSets the layer to use in Array Textures.
Quad:setViewportSets the texture coordinates according to a viewport.



See Also

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