Texture (Français)

Disponible depuis LÖVE 0.9.1
Ce type n'est pas supporté par les versions antérieures, mais les méthodes sont toujours disponibles sur les objets Canvas et Image.

Super classe pour les objets pouvant être dessinés (drawable) qui représente une texture. Toutes les textures peuvent être dessinées avec des Quads. C'est un type abstrait qui ne peut être créé directement.


Texture:getDPIScale Gets the DPI scale factor of the Texture. Added since 11.0
Texture:getDepth Gets the depth of a Volume Texture. Added since 11.0
Texture:getDepthSampleMode Gets the comparison mode used when sampling from a depth texture in a shader. Added since 11.0
Texture:getDimensions Gets the width and height of the Texture. Added since 0.9.0
Texture:getFilter Gets the filter mode of the Texture.
Texture:getFormat Gets the pixel format of the Texture. Added since 11.0
Texture:getHeight Gets the height of the Texture.
Texture:getLayerCount Gets the number of layers / slices in an Array Texture. Added since 11.0
Texture:getMipmapCount Gets the number of mipmaps contained in the Texture. Added since 11.0
Texture:getMipmapFilter Gets the mipmap filter mode for a Texture. Added since 0.9.0
Texture:getPixelDimensions Gets the width and height in pixels of the Texture. Added since 11.0
Texture:getPixelHeight Gets the height in pixels of the Texture. Added since 11.0
Texture:getPixelWidth Gets the width in pixels of the Texture. Added since 11.0
Texture:getTextureType Gets the type of the Texture. Added since 11.0
Texture:getWidth Gets the width of the Texture.
Texture:getWrap Gets the wrapping properties of a Texture.
Texture:isReadable Gets whether the Texture can be drawn and sent to a Shader. Added since 11.0
Texture:setDepthSampleMode Sets the comparison mode used when sampling from a depth texture in a shader. Added since 11.0
Texture:setFilter Sets the filter mode of the Texture.
Texture:setMipmapFilter Sets the mipmap filter mode for a Texture. Added since 0.9.0
Texture:setWrap Sets the wrapping properties of a Texture.



Canvas Off-screen render target. Added since 0.8.0
Image Drawable image type.


TextureType Types of textures (2D, cubemap, etc.) Added since 11.0

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