
Available since LÖVE 0.7.0
This type is not supported in earlier versions.

A Rasterizer handles font rendering, containing the font data (image or true-type font) and drawable glyphs.


love.font.newBMFontRasterizerCreates a new BMFont Rasterizer.
love.font.newImageRasterizerCreates a new Image Rasterizer.
love.font.newRasterizerCreates a new Rasterizer.
love.font.newTrueTypeRasterizerCreates a new TrueType Rasterizer.


Object:typeGets the type of the object as a string.
Object:typeOfChecks whether an object is of a certain type.
Rasterizer:getAdvanceGets font advance.
Rasterizer:getAscentGets ascent height.
Rasterizer:getDescentGets descent height.
Rasterizer:getGlyphCountGets number of glyphs in font.
Rasterizer:getGlyphDataGets glyph data of a specified glyph.
Rasterizer:getHeightGets font height.
Rasterizer:getLineHeightGets line height of a font.
Rasterizer:hasGlyphsChecks if font contains specified glyphs.



See Also

Other Languages