Semantic search

Printout selection
Parameters [

The maximum number of results to return

The offset of the first result

Show values as links

Display the headers/property names

The label to give to the main page name

The text to display before the query results, if there are any

The text to display after the query results, if there are any

Text for continuing the search

The text to display if there are no query results

An additional CSS class to set for the table

Display table headers vertically and results horizontally

The separator between results
Sort options
Add sorting condition
ParticleSystem:setEmissionAreaSets area-based spawn parameters for the particles.
ParticleSystem:setEmissionRateSets the amount of particles emitted per second.
ParticleSystem:setEmitterLifetimeSets how long the particle system should emit particles
ParticleSystem:setGravitySets the gravity affecting the particles (acceleration along the y-axis).
ParticleSystem:setImageSets the image to be used for the particles.
ParticleSystem:setInsertModeSets the mode to use when the ParticleSystem adds new particles.
ParticleSystem:setLifetimeSets how long the particle system should emit particles (if -1 then it emits particles forever).
ParticleSystem:setLinearAccelerationSets the linear acceleration (acceleration along the x and y axes) for particles.
ParticleSystem:setLinearDampingSets the amount of linear damping (constant deceleration) for particles.
ParticleSystem:setOffsetSet the offset position which the particle sprite is rotated around.
ParticleSystem:setParticleLifeSets the life of the particles.
ParticleSystem:setParticleLifetimeSets the lifetime of the particles.
ParticleSystem:setPositionSets the position of the emitter.
ParticleSystem:setQuadsSets a series of Quads to use for the particle sprites.
ParticleSystem:setRadialAccelerationSet the radial acceleration (away from the emitter).
ParticleSystem:setRelativeRotationSets whether particle angles and rotations are relative to their velocities.
ParticleSystem:setRotationSets the rotation of the image upon particle creation (in radians).
ParticleSystem:setSizeSets the size of the particle (1.0 being normal size).
ParticleSystem:setSizeVariationSets the amount of size variation.
ParticleSystem:setSizesSets the sizes of the particle over its lifetime.
ParticleSystem:setSpeedSets the speed of the particles.
ParticleSystem:setSpinSets the spin of the sprite.
ParticleSystem:setSpinVariationSets the amount of spin variation.
ParticleSystem:setSpreadSets the amount of spread for the system.
ParticleSystem:setSpriteSets the image which is to be emitted.
ParticleSystem:setTangentialAccelerationSets the tangential acceleration (acceleration perpendicular to the particle's direction).
ParticleSystem:setTextureSets the texture (Image or Canvas) to be used for the particles.
ParticleSystem:startStarts the particle emitter.
ParticleSystem:stopStops the particle emitter, resetting the lifetime counter.
ParticleSystem:updateUpdates the particle system; moving, creating and killing particles.