Fixture (Русский)

Available since LÖVE 0.8.0
This type is not supported in earlier versions.

"Fixture" присоединяют "shape" к "body".


love.physics.newFixtureCreates and attaches a fixture.


Fixture:destroyDestroys the fixture.
Fixture:getBodyReturns the body the fixture is attached to.
Fixture:getBoundingBoxReturns the points of the fixture bounding box.
Fixture:getCategoryReturns the categories the fixture belongs to.
Fixture:getDensityReturns the density of the fixture.
Fixture:getFilterDataReturns the filter data of the fixture.
Fixture:getFrictionReturns the friction of the fixture.
Fixture:getGroupIndexReturns the group the fixture belongs to.
Fixture:getMaskReturns which categories this fixture should NOT collide with.
Fixture:getMassDataReturns the mass, its center and the rotational inertia.
Fixture:getRestitutionReturns the restitution of the fixture.
Fixture:getShapeReturns the shape of the fixture.
Fixture:getUserDataReturns the Lua value associated with this fixture.
Fixture:isDestroyedGets whether the Fixture is destroyed.
Fixture:isSensorReturns whether the fixture is a sensor.
Fixture:rayCastCasts a ray against the shape of the fixture.
Fixture:setCategorySets the categories the fixture belongs to.
Fixture:setDensitySets the density of the fixture.
Fixture:setFilterDataSets the filter data of the fixture.
Fixture:setFrictionSets the friction of the fixture.
Fixture:setGroupIndexSets the group the fixture belongs to.
Fixture:setMaskSets which categories this fixture should NOT collide with.
Fixture:setRestitutionSets the restitution of the fixture.
Fixture:setSensorSets whether the fixture should act as a sensor.
Fixture:setUserDataAssociates a Lua value with the fixture.
Fixture:testPointChecks if a point is inside the shape of the fixture.
Object:release (Русский)Немедленно удаляет Lua ссылку на объект.
Object:type (Русский)Возвращает строку с названием типа объекта.
Object:typeOf (Русский)Проверят, является ли объект определенным типом.



See Also

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