
Get the world coordinates of the polygon's vertices.

This function has a variable number of return values. It can be used in a nested fashion with love.graphics.polygon.



x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, ... = PolygonShape:getPoints( )




number x1
The x-component of the first vertex.
number y1
The y-component of the first vertex.
number x2
The x-component of the second vertex.
number y2
The y-component of the second vertex.
number x3
The x-component of the third vertex.
number y3
The y-component of the third vertex.

The dots indicate that the function may have up to 16 return values, since it returns two values for each vertex in the polygon. (In other words, it can return 8 pairs in a series.)

See Also

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