
A world is an object that contains all bodies and joints.


love.physics.newWorldCreates a new World.


Object:typeGets the type of the object as a string.
Object:typeOfChecks whether an object is of a certain type.
World:getBodyCountReturns the number of bodies in the world.
World:getCallbacksReturns functions for the callbacks during the world update.
World:getGravityGet the gravity of the world.
World:getJointCountReturns the number of joints in the world.
World:isAllowSleepGet the sleep behaviour of the world.
World:setAllowSleepSet the sleep behaviour of the world.
World:setCallbacksSets functions to be called when shapes collide.
World:setGravitySet the gravity of the world.
World:setMeterSet the scale of the world.
World:updateUpdate the state of the world.



See Also

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