DroppedFile (简体中文)

Available since LÖVE 0.10.0
This type is not supported in earlier versions.


Note that the DroppedFile type can only be obtained from love.filedropped callback, and can't be constructed manually by the user.


这些函数在奇怪的位置包含括号。这是由于 File: 命名空间被 Mediawiki 保留。

最近一次更新:019/10/31 追赶上英文页面进度:否

(File):close (简体中文) 关闭一个 File (简体中文).
(File):eof (简体中文) 如果已到达文件末尾 Removed in 0.10.0
(File):flush (简体中文) 将文件中所有在缓冲区的写入数据刷新到磁盘。 Added since 0.9.0
(File):getBuffer (简体中文) 获取文件的缓冲模式。 Added since 0.9.0
Object:release (简体中文) 立即摧毁对象在 Lua 中的引用 Added since 11.0


See Also

Other Languages