Semantic search

Printout selection
Parameters [

The maximum number of results to return

The offset of the first result

Show values as links

Display the headers/property names

The label to give to the main page name

The text to display before the query results, if there are any

The text to display after the query results, if there are any

Text for continuing the search

The text to display if there are no query results

An additional CSS class to set for the table

Display table headers vertically and results horizontally

The separator between results
Sort options
Add sorting condition
TactileA flexible and nice input library.0.10.x
Talkies.luaA messagebox system with multiple-choices, typing effect + sounds and more.0.11.x
ThranduilUI module for LÖVE sources, website : 4040.9.x
Transform (Library)A library designed to ease the handling of coordinate/angle transformations in worldAny
TransitionMgrA simple transition manager, transitions are just lua files.0.9.1+
TserialConverts tables into strings and back. Good for saving games, multiplayer, etc.Any
TÖVEAnimated vector graphics and SVG rendering11.2
WasxA very versatile input manager for LÖVE11.x
YonderA ridiculously easy to use game state manager.Any
ZoetropeA starter kit for LÖVE, including sprites, collisions, maps, and debugging.0.9.x
anim8Animation Library for LÖVE.0.9.x
arrayA useful collection of methods to work with Lua tables in an array fashion.Any
babelA simple library for internationalisation.0.8
beholder.luaEvent observation for Lua.Any
binserCustomizable Lua Serializer - Great for Saving GamesAny
bitserSerializes and deserializes Lua values with LuaJITAny
breezefieldminimal love.physics wrapper11.2
bump.luaMinimal collision detection lib.Any
cimgui-loveLÖVE module for Dear ImGui, obtained by wrapping cimgui with LuaJIT FFI.11.4
claspTiny Lua class libraryAny
cronA set of functions for executing actions at a certain time interval.Any
cron.luaTime-based functions for Lua.Any
fLUIdslove-imgui API wrap for simplicity0.10.x
fakecanvas[WIP] Convenient canvas emulation for unsupported hardware0.8.x
gameraCamera library for LÖVE.Any
hxdxPhysics library (easier box2d)Any
inspect.luaPretty-print for Lua.Any
layouterSimple UI grid layout library.11.4+
libSaveTableToFileLoad and save tables as text files.Any
libxmlLua XML LibraryAny
lol.luaObject prototyping library for Lua.Any
love-imguiIMGUI module for LOVE0.10.x
love-loaderLoad images and sounds in a separate thread.Any
love-nuklearLightweight immediate mode GUI for LÖVE games0.11.2
love.bundleData saving lib for Love.Any
love.screenManage easily your screen resolution, caption, ...Any
lovesizeLibrary that makes it possible to work with a fixed game resolution, while scaling the screen and clipping objects outside of it, making a letterbox effect.11.0
lua-enetMultiplayer networking module for games.0.9.0
lua-httpsA simple Lua HTTPS module using native platform backends where applicable.12.0
luaFortuneLibraries for procedural generation in lua.Any
luasortArray sorting algorithmsAny
lureHTML DOM Parser/Renderer.Any
memoize.luaGeneric memoization for Lua.Any
newtonExport and load Box2D bodies made in PhysicsEditor0.8.0+
profileA real-time profiler for finding bottlenecks in your gameAny
rstarR*Tree implementation in LuaAny
sfxr.luaGenerate your sounds dynamically, at runtime0.9.x
socketModule for HTTP, TCP, and UDP networking.0.5.0
stateful.luaStateful Object Orientation for middleclass.Any
strongA library that provides many enhancements to strings.Any