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Windfield and Tiled. Dynamically change tiles

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2023 5:22 pm
by DannyMcWopper
I am working on a copy of Hotline Miami and can't solve the problem with breakable windows tiles.

So, idea is simple: draw usual windows on load of level and change them to broken ones once bullet destroys them.
I have solved the collisions part of the problem and it works as expected: player can't go through the collider unless bullet passes it and destroys the collider.

But here is a problem: drawing windows in Tiled on tilemap (tileMap.lua) makes them permanent so windows must be drawn dynamically taking obj.x and obj.y from their colliders. tileMap has windowsObjects layer with drawn objects to make colliders with windfield help.

Simply drawing windows on locations of windowsObjects (game_map.layers["windowsObjects"].objects) does not work, because I cant remove those later. (screenshot1)
for j, obj in ipairs(game_map.layers["windowsObjects"].objects) do, obj.x, obj.y)

So I want to draw windows on positions of objects in the world, however I can't access specific objects with specific CollisionClass ('window'). The class gets assigned properly and logic of interactions with other objects works as expected, but drawing...

So I am trying to do something like this. If I remove 'obj.collision_classes == 'window' and' condition then I get (screenshot2). And if it is back, then (screenshot3)
local colliders = world:getBodies()
for i, obj in ipairs(colliders) do
if obj.collision_classes == 'window' and not obj.destroyed then, obj:getX(), obj:getY())

If you need the rest of the code then let me know and I will provide it.
Also, if there is a better way than the one I am trying to describe then I would be really happy to learn it.

Thank you in advance!

Re: Windfield and Tiled. Dynamically change tiles

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2023 10:55 pm
by dusoft
Windfield is archived at Github and as such outdated. You might consider using something else.

Re: Windfield and Tiled. Dynamically change tiles

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2023 7:25 am
by pgimeno

Re: Windfield and Tiled. Dynamically change tiles

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2023 11:57 am
by DannyMcWopper
pgimeno wrote: Wed Nov 15, 2023 7:25 am Would this help?

pgimeno wrote: Wed Nov 15, 2023 7:25 am Would this help?

Could not get this method to work but I found a stupid solution. ('V' stands for vertical, horizontal windows will be handled according to the same logic but separately)

So first I created a list for window colliders in love.load()
windowCollidersV = {}

On the loading of our map once we encounter the windows object we not only give it collision class but also insert it into the list of windows.
local static_layers = {"walls", "furniture", "boundaries", "low_furniture", "passage", "windows_v"}
for i, layer_name in ipairs(static_layers) do
for j, obj in ipairs(game_map.layers[layer_name].objects) do
local collider = world:newRectangleCollider(obj.x, obj.y, obj.width, obj.height)
if layer_name == "windows_v" then
table.insert(windowCollidersV, collider)
— [[rest of conditions]]

In bullet class I described the behaviour for the case of entering a collider of 'window' collider class which finds the same collider bullet has entered right now and the same collider that was put in the list before. Once the collider is found, we change its class to 'destroyed_window' and remove it from the list. Destroying the collider for some reason caused unpredictable behaviour so it stays like this:
-- bullet.lua
function Bullet:update(dt)
if self.collider:enter('window') then
local collision_data = self.collider:getEnterCollisionData('window')
for i, collider in ipairs(windowCollidersV) do
if collider == collision_data.collider then
table.remove(windowCollidersV, i)

Finally in main.lua we simply draw window images on the coordinates of remaining objects in windows list:
— main.lua
function love.draw()
for i, collider in ipairs(windowCollidersV) do
local x = collider:getX() - windowV:getWidth() / 2
local y = collider:getY() - windowV:getHeight() / 2, x, y)