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Vixy's Idea - Progress 1

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2023 10:04 am
by PerfectFeebas
Hey! I believe it's my first post here and I'm very happy to announce I've made progress for my own game!
Please take a look:

This game is using a stacked 2D system as you can see, and so far I've managed to do the following:
  • A dynamic camera that follows the player, its rotation system being based on rotating a quad around the player
  • A Tiled map importer, which allows to make map easily and fast
  • A scene manager
  • A draw order that is still janky and needs fixing but is a first step (I guess? This was a pain to make tbh it took me so many hours just for that)
What I plan to do from now on is work on collision as well as making a sprite for the player, and for now that's about it :huh: Regardless it was really exciting trying to make such a strange system work I really don't see a lot of games doing it. But anyway I will no longer bother you for now, you have a nice day

Re: Vixy's Idea - Progress 1

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2023 1:31 pm
by togFox
We're going to have to rename Love2d to Love3d.