I'm trying to add a weapon to my game and I'm trying to get it to rotate around the player according to the mouse. I have tried the distance formula and that kinda got it working but not really.
Can someone tell me how to do this?
Itswolfcity811 wrote: ↑Wed Jun 28, 2023 11:08 pm
I'm trying to add a weapon to my game and I'm trying to get it to rotate around the player according to the mouse. I have tried the distance formula and that kinda got it working but not really.
Can someone tell me how to do this?
local function drawWeapon (weapon)
local x = weapon.parent.x + weapon.dx
local y = weapon.parent.y + weapon.dy
local radius= weapon.radius
love.graphics.circle("fill", x, y, radius)
function love.mousemoved (mx, my)
local player = Player -- get local player from global Player
local px, py = player.x, player.y
local angle = math.atan2 (my-py, mx-px)
local weapon = player.weapon -- store weapon in player!
weapon.dx = weapon.distance * math.cos (angle)
weapon.dy = weapon.distance * math.sin (angle)
local love = _G.love
function Weapon(_Id, Player, _Distance, Size)
local Distance = _Distance + Player.Radius
return {
Id = _Id or 1,
Distance = Distance,
Player = Player,
Size = Size,
Draw = function (self)
if (self.Id == self.Player.WeaponId) then
local MouseX, MouseY = love.mouse.getPosition()
-- Calculate the angle between player and mouse cursor
local angle = math.atan2(MouseY - self.Player.y, MouseX - self.Player.x)
-- Calculate the new weapon position based on the angle and distance
local NewX = self.Player.x + math.cos(angle) * self.Distance
local NewY = self.Player.y + math.sin(angle) * self.Distance
love.graphics.circle("fill", NewX, NewY, self.Size)
return Weapon
local love = _G.love
function Weapon(_Id, Player, _Distance, Size)
local Distance = _Distance + Player.Radius
return {
Id = _Id or 1,
Distance = Distance,
Player = Player,
Size = Size,
Draw = function (self)
if (self.Id == self.Player.WeaponId) then
local MouseX, MouseY = love.mouse.getPosition()
-- Calculate the angle between player and mouse cursor
local angle = math.atan2(MouseY - self.Player.y, MouseX - self.Player.x)
-- Calculate the new weapon position based on the angle and distance
local NewX = self.Player.x + math.cos(angle) * self.Distance
local NewY = self.Player.y + math.sin(angle) * self.Distance
love.graphics.circle("fill", NewX, NewY, self.Size)
return Weapon
And it works perfictly!
I know I'm a bit of a perfectionist, but it would probably be marginally faster to use vectors instead of trigonometry. Gimme a moment to create an example
local love = _G.love
function Weapon(_Id, Player, _Distance, Size)
local Distance = _Distance + Player.Radius
return {
Id = _Id or 1,
Distance = Distance,
Player = Player,
Size = Size,
Draw = function (self)
if (self.Id == self.Player.WeaponId) then
local MouseX, MouseY = love.mouse.getPosition()
-- Get the vector of the mouse relative to the player - this is essentially just direction and distance expressed in a 2D form
local VecX = MouseX - Player.x
local VecY = MouseY - Player.y
-- Convert the vector into a unit vector - this is a vector with the same direction, but the length is 1. We can find this by finding the length of the vector, and dividing it's x and y components by it
local length = math.sqrt(VecX^2 + VecY^2)
VecX = VecX/length
VecY = VecY/length
-- We finally multiply the unit vector by the distance we want it away from the player
local NewX = VecX * self.Distance
local NewY = VecY * self.Distance
love.graphics.circle("fill", NewX, NewY, self.Size)
return Weapon
I believe this should work - however, if I were you, I would store the direction vector somewhere, because then you can use it to simplify other bits of code! For example, you can use it to get the x and y velocity of a bullet fired from said weapon.