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Drawing a lot of lines

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2022 11:19 pm
by Augustine Aloysius
Hello! I'm a long-time user of love. As the title suggests, I'm quite interested in drawing a large amount of lines.

If I want to draw a surface which changes over time and I want the vertex positions to be calculated by the GPU, I do the following (I hope my explanation is not too cryptic):
- create a set of vertices with coordinates {x, y} with x, y integers
- create a mesh with those vertices
- add a custom vertex map so that triangles of type {{0,0},{1,0},{0,1}} and {{1,0},{0,1},{1,1}} are drawn
- draw the mesh using a custom vertex shader, so that I can animate custom shapes changing in time

I'd like to do the same but with lines: ideally, all I'd need to do is set MeshDrawMode="lines" and the points of the mesh would be interpreted as vertices of "consecutive" lines. Is there a way to do something similar? Or can such a thing be added to the next version of love? If I look at I see that there's a primitive called GL_LINES, not sure if that would help.

TL;DR I want to draw lines whose vertices position is calculated by the GPU.