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Channel 83 [LD36]

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 1:45 am
by s-ol
our entry for the LD 36:

a last-gen entertainment experience


Check it out on ludum dare and!

move: WASD / ARROWS (level 2+)
shoot: SPACE
reset level: R
exit: ESC

have fun :)

vadim nickel | | @tsuaave

sound / music:
vadim nickel | | @tsuaave

s-ol | | @S0lll0s
vadim nickel | | @tsuaave

game code:
s-ol | | @S0lll0s

raycasting code:
davidobot |

Re: Channel 83 [LD36]

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 4:00 am
by Jasoco
Like I posted in the other thread, movement doesn't work for me. WSAD and the arrows do nothing. However R, Escape and Space all work.

Re: Channel 83 [LD36]

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 7:04 am
by Plu
I like the idea and the looks, but it seems impossible to play unless you memorize where all the bad guys are by dying constantly, because the controls aren't fast enough to really react to anything :(

Re: Channel 83 [LD36]

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 9:18 am
by s-ol
Jasoco wrote:Like I posted in the other thread, movement doesn't work for me. WSAD and the arrows do nothing. However R, Escape and Space all work.
patience my friend :)
Plu wrote:I like the idea and the looks, but it seems impossible to play unless you memorize where all the bad guys are by dying constantly, because the controls aren't fast enough to really react to anything :(
josefnpat did it:

but yes it's not easy, I tried increasing the turn speed but that makes it impossible to accurately hit enemies. Clunky controls and no strafing are a 'feature' also though.