LovePortrait Visualizer

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LovePortrait Visualizer

Post by waraiotoko »

Hey all,
I don't have a .love for this yet but figured a thread for it might be nice. Let me outline the project clearly instead of having big block paragraphs. :)

A Love2D program that would run full-screen on a portrait mode monitor. The functionality of the program would be to play Love2D-based games, and visualize data in an aesthetically pleasing way.

Possible functionality:
Visualizing weather, RSS feeds, IMAP email, BBS, IRC, and calendars (Google Calendar first). The list is based on what I believe that I can support. IMAP email is going to be tough but if I stick to just the inbox and just reading messages I think I'll be o.k. (the purpose of this would be to alert users of new mail, not to become a full-fledged mail client). If ANYONE knows of an IMAP library for LUA I would greatly appreciate some them posting it here.

Why do I want this?
I have a small 17" monitor in portrait mode that I hardly use. Currently I run Notepad++ in it along with an SSH window, but both of those things look better on my main monitor (only time I use both is when I'm watching a movie).

What style am I going for?
Very low-res, pixelated (but not inherently 16 or 8 bit) graphics. It won't look bad, just big (think 600x800). I prefer this because of big readable font size and my love of pixel art.

Can I program all of these features?
For the most part, yes. If I can't make it work in LUA I'll use C for data retrieval and LUA for everything else.

When will I release a beta?
In about two months.
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Re: LovePortrait Visualizer

Post by scirath »

If ANYONE knows of an IMAP library for LUA I would greatly appreciate some them posting it here.
I don't have any leads of a Lua library, but has plenty of information on the protocol, syntax (etc., etc., etc.) that you can use if you need to write one from scratch. *Offers some virtual coffee and headache medicine for the read.*
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Re: LovePortrait Visualizer

Post by waraiotoko »

scirath wrote:
If ANYONE knows of an IMAP library for LUA I would greatly appreciate some them posting it here.
I don't have any leads of a Lua library, but has plenty of information on the protocol, syntax (etc., etc., etc.) that you can use if you need to write one from scratch. *Offers some virtual coffee and headache medicine for the read.*
Oh yeah seems simple enough, can't believe it's so readable and informative! /douche sarcasm
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Re: LovePortrait Visualizer

Post by scirath »

Oh yeah seems simple enough, can't believe it's so readable and informative!
Yeah ... RFCs are heady stuff.

I haven't had time to do too much poking around, but all I've seen so far are POP3 and SMTP libs.

Oh wait, just stumbled on this...
Dunno if it'll get you started or not.

EDIT: Or ? I noticed there was a lot of C in the github lead; this latter one looks like it's all Lua.
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Re: LovePortrait Visualizer

Post by bartbes »

I don't remember the protocol itself being difficult, but mime is, and thankfully luasocket (included with love) has a mime module.
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