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Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 4:43 pm
by powermousey

I'm the power mousey. I came across this LOVE 2d game engine while browsing and checking out
on Google about 2d game programming tutorials. And I must say that I do like LOVE.
As much as I like and enjoy watching the LOST tv series, I'm LOST on LOVE.
I know no nothing of SDL, nor even of LUA.

So please be pateint and understanding when I ask these noobish questions which could of been asked
and answered before. Also, I come from another world of programming in and with Blitz Basic, Dark Basic Professional,
Cobra, and some 3d Game Studio.

Here are some questions:

I'm sensing that I have to learn LUA, or at least a familarity of some of the commands and functions.
And that I can use them in and with LOVE. Is this correct?

Without getting bogged down and learning this LEIF GUI Library(not just yet), what are some input
commands I can use for both text and numbers? Or do I have to create my own user input routines?
Just like in Cobra

When using the LOVE engine, how do I call my own routines and functions?
I could not find any information in the docs. Unless I skipped over them.

Will there be more commands and functions added in future versions of LOVE?

Thank you.

Re: Hello....

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 5:25 pm
by bartbes
powermousey wrote: I'm sensing that I have to learn LUA, or at least a familarity of some of the commands and functions.
And that I can use them in and with LOVE. Is this correct?
Yes, you do have to learn Lua, or get familiar with it.
powermousey wrote: Without getting bogged down and learning this LEIF GUI Library(not just yet), what are some input
commands I can use for both text and numbers? Or do I have to create my own user input routines?
Just like in Cobra
You have to write your own. (use the keypressed and keyreleased functions or love.keyboard.isDown)
powermousey wrote: When using the LOVE engine, how do I call my own routines and functions?
I could not find any information in the docs. Unless I skipped over them.
Call them whatever you like. Most people do everything in global namespace and as long as you don't have conflicting names, it doesn't matter.
powermousey wrote: Will there be more commands and functions added in future versions of LOVE?
There should be, however rude will have to answer to that.

Re: Hello....

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 6:42 pm
by osgeld
powermousey wrote: When using the LOVE engine, how do I call my own routines and functions?
I could not find any information in the docs. Unless I skipped over them.
just to expand on this a bit more, in your global namespace its just

Code: Select all

function foo(optional vars)
then when i want to use it

Code: Select all

and heres a link to the plain basic lua manual but when using a lua api you will be mostly using their functions for the majority of your scripts

Re: Hello....

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 9:34 pm
by powermousey
thank you bartbes and osgeld.

and hey, that was going to be my next question osgeld.
thanks again. ;)