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Scroll Tile Infinity times for a platform game

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 1:33 am
by weilies
I am planning to design a 2D distance game, which is someone hit a ball and see how far the ball can goes

But the thing is, in order to make the ball move,

- should i make the ball static and scroll the background?
- or should the camera follow the ball and the ball move after force applied

which one is the proper way to do it? And also, i cant determine how far the ball can goes, so it should be unlimited scrolling till the ball drop and stop
and also, is it possible to PAUSE the game, and during the halt time, apply some animation and RESUME the game and change the ball force?

i am quite Noob in game dev but i found this engine quite easy to use compare to those C++ or Java, and the community quite supportive

Thanks for all the helps

Re: Scroll Tile Infinity times for a platform game

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 7:21 am
by nevon
The second of your options seems the most sane.

As for your other question, sure its possible. You could, for example, give your ball a state. When the state is "flying", run some code to make it move further along its path, when the state is "paused", run some code to run that animation, etc.

Re: Scroll Tile Infinity times for a platform game

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 1:14 pm
by weilies
hi nevon, thanks for the reply but correct me if i am wrong.

there is no pause function provided in the framework?

Re: Scroll Tile Infinity times for a platform game

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 1:17 pm
by zac352
weilies wrote:hi nevon, thanks for the reply but correct me if i am wrong.

there is no pause function provided in the framework?

Code: Select all

    if love.load then love.load() end
    -- Main loop.
    while true do
        if love.update and not paused then love.update(love.timer.getDelta()) end --Yay!
        if love.draw then love.draw() end
        -- Process events.
        for e,a,b,c in love.event.poll() do
            if e == 'q' then
                if then


Re: Scroll Tile Infinity times for a platform game

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 1:23 pm
by bartbes
@zac352: That helps.. well, no, like not at all, way to get your post count up...

Correct, because that's not what you want to do either, you want to use states (which are generally useful in games). Basically you save a variable saying what state it is, and then you act according to what it says, so if you're paused, you stop updating physics, and draw that animation.

Re: Scroll Tile Infinity times for a platform game

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 1:24 pm
by zac352
bartbes wrote:@zac352: That helps.. well, no, like not at all, way to get your post count up...
I wasn't trying to up my post count.. You could actually use that. Somewhat.

Re: Scroll Tile Infinity times for a platform game

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 6:40 pm
by Robin
zac352 wrote:
bartbes wrote:@zac352: That helps.. well, no, like not at all, way to get your post count up...
I wasn't trying to up my post count.. You could actually use that. Somewhat.
It's not very helpful or useful. The only way to get out of the pause is by means of keypress, mouse click, etc. It's very inflexible, plus it has a custom, which isn't really recommended for beginners either.

Almost every time you post something here, you manage to annoy bartbes, me, and other members of this community. Please, think before you post.

Re: Scroll Tile Infinity times for a platform game

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 7:00 pm
by kikito
Hi weilies,

There is no 'stop everything' function because you almost never really want that to happen.

On a normal game, pausing doesn't really mean 'stopping everything'. For example:
  • You still want music to go on (if you are playing music)
  • You want a 'pause menu' to appear... and the elements on that dialog should not be affected by the pause!
So what you do is something equivalent to this:

Code: Select all

local paused = false

function love.update(dt)
  if paused then
    ... show / handle the pause dialog
    ... update the 'normal' game
You do something similar with love.draw.

The issue with this approach is that it doesn't expand very well. Sooner you will want to have a in_main_menu variable, an in_options_menu variable, etc. And your code will look like this:

Code: Select all

function love.update(dt)
  if paused then
    ... show / handle the pause dialog
  elseif in_main_menu
    ... show the main menu
  elseif in_options_menu
    ... show the options menu
     ... update the 'normal' game
Your love.update and love.draw functions will get very big, very fast.

If you are interested, I've developed a tool that simplifies the managing of 'game states'; It's called MindState. On that wiki page you can see an example of how to use it as a game controller.