Scary Monsters

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Re: Scary Monsters (scrymnstrs)

Post by Jasoco »

Ryne wrote:
Jasoco wrote:Keep going. I want to play this game!
Thanks, I'll try. :)
I've said it before, but I love your simple pixel art characters. I hope to play a game with them one day. This new stuff looks intriguing.
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Re: Scary Monsters (scrymnstrs)

Post by headchant »

I don't really care if you ever finish anything but I like your art style very much it would be a pity if nothing playable would ever come out of this.
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Re: Scary Monsters (scrymnstrs)

Post by Ryne »

headchant wrote:I don't really care if you ever finish anything but I like your art style very much it would be a pity if nothing playable would ever come out of this.
Jasoco wrote:
Ryne wrote:
Jasoco wrote:Keep going. I want to play this game!
Thanks, I'll try. :)
I've said it before, but I love your simple pixel art characters. I hope to play a game with them one day. This new stuff looks intriguing.
Thanks guys! I'm gonna try my best to complete it. I'm gonna polish the shit out of the graphics for now, and if I can't find someone to program it then I'll start it myself and post for help when I need it.
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Re: Scary Monsters (scrymnstrs)

Post by Ryne »

Alright, so I've toyed with the colours a bit. I think they look better, what do you guys think?




They are a bit more saturated. The previous shots were a little dull, which would have made the game look weird against certain backgrounds. These ones have better contrast in my opinion.


1. What would you guys like to see in this game? (creature/structures?) I assume some of you are looking at these shots and imagining things, so let me hear it!

2. Would you like to see a set storyline, or rather be dropped into the world to simply explore with minimal explanation?


I've had a few ideas about changing the seasons as you play, so that 2 weeks would equal a year. I'm not sure if this is possible, but assuming love can grab system time and store it, then I could actually have the game save current time when the player quits and then compare it to current time the next time they play and change the season accordingly. So if you don't play for a week, you come back to a different world.
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Re: Scary Monsters (scrymnstrs)

Post by Jasoco »

I like it.

First, I believe you use os.time() to get the system time. But it doesn't account for time zone offset and it's in UNIX standard seconds since December 31, 1979 or something. At one point though it was crashing Windows versions of Löve. It might have been fixed since though. With it you could make an Animal Crossing style game if you needed to.

Second, new colors are nice.

Third, I like the idea of being dropped in and needing to play around to find out what is going on.
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Re: Scary Monsters (scrymnstrs)

Post by Ryne »

Jasoco wrote:I like it.

First, I believe you use os.time() to get the system time. But it doesn't account for time zone offset and it's in UNIX standard seconds since December 31, 1979 or something. At one point though it was crashing Windows versions of Löve. It might have been fixed since though. With it you could make an Animal Crossing style game if you needed to.

Second, new colors are nice.

Third, I like the idea of being dropped in and needing to play around to find out what is going on.
Awesome, thanks, and alright!

Oh and yeah, another reason a colour change was necessary was because now I can freely change the ground colour to create new areas. Instead of before where the ground was grey, and the variation really only came from the different coloured objects - now the ground can change, and I can create entirely new areas and use new colours as well. It will likely make the game significantly less boring :)
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Re: Scary Monsters (scrymnstrs)

Post by bartbes »

You can get the current time using os.time, then you can get the difference with os.difftime, and if you need to, you can format it using (which takes in account time zones, etc).
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Re: Scary Monsters (scrymnstrs)

Post by Jasoco »

Will it be a never ending expanding world or limited to an area?

Ever since I said Animal Crossing, I've had an idea for a simulation game like it in my head. Which gets added to the list of 7 other game types I've wanted to make and can't choose between. *sigh*
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Re: Scary Monsters (scrymnstrs)

Post by Ryne »

bartbes wrote:You can get the current time using os.time, then you can get the difference with os.difftime, and if you need to, you can format it using (which takes in account time zones, etc).
Awesome :D
Jasoco wrote:Will it be a never ending expanding world or limited to an area?

Ever since I said Animal Crossing, I've had an idea for a simulation game like it in my head. Which gets added to the list of 7 other game types I've wanted to make and can't choose between. *sigh*
I was thinking of defining a set size of the world, but actually taking time in to account. Like in real life, the world can change the older it gets. The only issue comes if I have to program it myself, since a lot of these things are pretty complicated (for me at least). In that case I would have to limit it.


The game world wouldn't be "never ending" but it would be large and also semi-procedurally generated. Meaning one person will have a completely different experience than another. Or if one decided to start a new game it would likely be different as well.

This procedurally generated game world would have "set" towns and areas, which would technically be in the same place. I think it would be nice to have common ground for the player to go to if needed. However there could still be semi-large areas that just happen to get created. I like the idea that the player could stumble upon a cool area that another person might never see - like in mine craft when you find some cool area that just generated that way.

I also had an idea to randomize objectives. For example: the player needs to find a key to open a door, but this key could potentially be in one of a few places. So exploration is mandatory.


I just had another Idea. I was thinking even the random npc's that the player encounters could have multiple agenda's as well. For instance: you're walking through the woods and theres a man asking for help, when you approach him he could say one of many different things, like "help me find this", or "can you take me here". These random characters throughout the world could reward the player in different ways if accepted.
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Re: Scary Monsters (scrymnstrs)

Post by Jasoco »

An idea I had would be to make the world randomly generated on a small tile grid for placing trees and plants and buildings. Then use the LuAstar class to make sure all the important areas are accessible from all the other ones. (So it doesn't generate a world that is unplayable) At least that's how I'll make my game if I ever sit down and actually code something.. I CAN'T DECIDE WHAT TO MAKE!!!!! I should make a poll thread and then just go with the choice everyone chooses.

Anyway, back to your idea. I really can't wait to see what you do make. Even if it's a starting prototype with a world to walk around in. I want to see your artwork in action!
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