team development web space available

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team development web space available

Post by osgeld »

team development web space available

ive made this offer before to a couple of individuals, but i thought i would make it public knowledge

i rent space on a webserver over at, i have 50 gigs of disk space (~ 49.something free) and virtually unlimited bandwidth at my disposal
(1 TB a month is what i signed up for, they upgraded that to unlimited, betting i could never ever use that much)

anywho, i host only a few sites, a secondlife wiki mirror, my wife and her friends cooking blog, mirrors for some psp stuff, and everything else i just use as a "giant flash drive in the sky", its connected to a OCsomething and usually is faster than most consumer internet connections (ive clocked it at 15mbs on a cable modem, and that was peaking the cable modems download speed out, altho it can be a little latent on occasion)

down and dirty is, IF YOU HAVE A PROJECT, thats split up over multiple team members over the internet, i will provide (within host user agreements, eg no porn) space for you and your team to work

features i provide are
  • fully integrated cms system with hard security, based on the xoops family of cms
    fully functional forums
    project management / outlining
    deadline management
    cvs checkout system, so code isnt constantly rewritten over multiple programmers
    file space
    live chat
    bug tracking / beta feedback
please note this is not a home for your project, this is just workspace for you, and your internet based team to get your project as perfect as possible before unleashing it on the world

questions? comments? you have 2 options

replay in this thread
pm me on this love-ly forum

a demo site will be available sometime this weekend

thanks! and lets get some sweet, sweet love goin :ultrahappy:
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Re: team development web space available

Post by rude »

Can you link to your pages so I can check the speed of the servers? I'm considering whether I want one of those "unlimited" servers. :nyu:
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Re: team development web space available

Post by osgeld »

i never put up a demo site, but my url is

im with hostmonster, they have pretty decent support, and good features ... bout my only complaint is you cant pay month to month, you have to do up front, which 3 months is about 30$ (10 bucks a month) or 2 years is like 144$ (roughly 6 bucks a month)

ive got a few people using them and everyone is happy, never much if any issue

ill pm you with some ftp info sometime today, so you can send and download files off my domain, so you can check the speed

my buddies site (which i admin) is also on hostmonster, you can find that @ (sony psp multitasking shell)
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Re: team development web space available

Post by Tabasco »

I had a hell of a time on hostmonster and had to cancel, but with shared hosting a lot probably depends on who else is using the box. I'd have 1-10 minute windows, several times a day, where the database and/or webserver wouldn't respond.
Rather than even look into it, their support tried to tell me that my ISP had the problem based on a traceroute. Their support is dishonest, incompetent, or both, but I guess if you're not doing much with it or are on a machine with few and friendly neighbors, it might be ok.
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Re: team development web space available

Post by osgeld »

that and similar ftp issues is the reason i left godaddy, and we have not had a single bit of trouble out of host monster (yet, dont jyinx me), ive been on it for 4 years now and have only had the database be offline maybe 3 times, has been on them for about 2 years now, for 2008 had 26 million + hits and has not gone down due to server issues once
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