Would anyone be interested to collaborate on a project?

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Would anyone be interested to collaborate on a project?

Post by IndieLöver »

Greetings fellow lövers,

Now, I've been using Löve for about five years. During this time, I've made countless small prototypes, no fully fleshed out games though. However, I don't see that all this time was wasted. I feel that, at this point, I have a pretty solid grasp on game design and the Lua language. I feel that part of the problem is that I've been going at it alone. Working together with someone has many benefits: the other person(/people) help you stay motivated and focused, and can work on those things you are not so gifted at. Now I am asking if someone here in the community would be interest in collaborating with me on a project.

"What kind of skills would you need?"
I am primarily a programmer/game designer, so I would need is someone who would primarily handle the art stuff. Additionally I wouldn't mind discussing game design with someone. Of course it wouldn't hurt if the person had some grasp on code as well, as I am fairly certain you will, if you are reading this here.

"What's in it for me?"
Well, *if* the game turns out really well and goes commercial, then we would both get our fare share of profits. If not, well, it's the same as for me: experience, and hopefully a cool game to show to your friends and the community. And you could of course throw the thing in your portfolio as well.

"Well, what kind of a game would we be making?"
Well, I've certainly got an idea or two up my sleeve (and plenty of old prototypes to scavenge for code :nyu: ) but of course this all depends on what we, as a team, would be interested in making. What are your strong suits? If we both suck at art, we could try something text based or have a very simplistic art style and instead focus more on other stuff.

"What'd be the deadline?"
I am studying game development in a vocational school. As a third year student, I should find an internship position for the spring. To get it, I would still need a little bit more filler to my portfolio, and this project could be perfect for it. So I'd love to have the thing at least in a "fun to play" state before the end of this year.

"How would working remotely work, exactly?"
Full disclosure, I have never done anything like this (I've only partaken in local group projects), but here's how I see it: we would discuss the project, it's design and our progress, regularly via skype or suchlike (voice or text chat, whatever suits you better). Also, we need to find an efficient way to share files with each other, I am sure someone on these forums knows a better system than dropbox or the like. Other than that, you could work whenever you have spare time, but the more regular we could keep our work hours, the better. Something like Trello could be used to track our progress, if we find that necessary.

If you're interested, please answer this post or PM me, whichever suits you better. And if you have any questions, please ask away.

(Hopefully it's ok to post something like this on the forums. And did I choose the right category?)
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Re: Would anyone be interested to collaborate on a project?

Post by josefnpat »

You should show us some of your prototypes and get to know more folks on IRC as well!
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Re: Would anyone be interested to collaborate on a project?

Post by Davidobot »

I would want to try collaborating with someone to actually try and finish a project. I hear that working in groups helps you keep motivated. I would love to hear some of your ideas too, as well as the prototype josefnpat brought up.
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Re: Would anyone be interested to collaborate on a project?

Post by IndieLöver »

Well to start, here's where I abandoned Gorewörm, a local multiplayer fighting game prototype. To control, use arrow keys and wasd. Controllers should work too, if they are plugged in when the game starts. Haven't looked at the code in a couple of months, and were I to do so, I assume I'd find a lot to fix. TIP: if you get eaten, try biting the other player before you die.
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Re: Would anyone be interested to collaborate on a project?

Post by IndieLöver »

To mention some other prototypes I've been tinkering with:
-Text adventures. Just the syntax and understanding commands and stuff, I'm not much of a storyteller, really. If someone would handle the writing stuff I wouldn't mind making a proper one though.
-I had this one project that was to be a something with roguelike mechanics mixed up with the old Prince of Persia style dungeons and platforming and a dash of Lovecraftian horror. But that never developed into anything more than a level generator thing.
-I've also tried faking some liquid surface animations with sine waves and a little bit of random noise.
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Re: Would anyone be interested to collaborate on a project?

Post by IndieLöver »

Oh and here's a Ludum Dare Project I made with a few friends of mine:
http://ludumdare.com/compo/ludum-dare-3 ... &uid=38975
You control a spaceship with nothing but text commands.

And, here's a a video of a group project I made in school using UNITY. A bit offtopic, I know, but some of you might be interested anyway. [btw I'm pretty proud of the boss fight in the end] :3
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Re: Would anyone be interested to collaborate on a project?

Post by Davidobot »

:awesome: Looks all good. I am more than willing to collaborate. How can we get in touch?
Side note though, please don't double post, just edit your post to add more information.
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