Abandoned Projects Showcase or Whatever...

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Abandoned Projects Showcase or Whatever...

Post by Jasoco »

Just wanted to show off something from my past. Before I found Löve I dabbled in QuickBASIC and created some stuff. My best project was an RPG with Dragon Quest and EarthBound style to it. It was 3000+ lines of code when I had to abandon it. Here, just watch this video...

I explain everything in the video.

Some really neat things:
16 colors with the ability to smoothly change the palette for transitions and fading
Fully working scripting system
Too big to compile!

When I abandoned the JavaScript version and switched to Löve, I of course started with an action RPG based on this concept. Which has also been abandoned for now. I might dig it up one day and try to get it running in the current Löve version just to show it off again. (There's also at least one screenshot of the JavaScript version in that thread.)

Next time: Mike Jones wants to say something...

Feel free to show off some of your projects you decided to leave behind. Even better if you have video. (Use the YouTube tags by placing the video ID between them!)
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Re: Abandoned Projects Showcase or Whatever...

Post by OrbitalBlueprint »

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Re: Abandoned Projects Showcase or Whatever...

Post by NightKawata »

Oh boy, you guys are gonna love my response.
Here's all the bloody Metanet Hunters/Haibutsu Kinzoku that never were:

Haibutsu Kinzoku 2012 (OOOH BOY THIS IS AN OLDIE)

Project RAR

Original MH2 (Pre-REMIX)

Original MH3

Metanet Hunter Battle HD (Shawn Williams)

Metanet Hunter Battle HD (Stephen Gygi)

Original Original SMH Mockup (Artist Unknown, I forgot, but you know who you are)

Super Metanet Hunter

And there you go. All the Metanet Hunters that never happened. If you're wondering, I am indeed rebooting the series with the next rendition, Terminal Hunter. It's a brand new take on literally everything, so check it out when you get the chance.

A lot of the cancellations are artist related (MH2: Deoxys left at that time and came back for MHR), MH3 (Deoxys left), unknown artist SMH (wanted more money than I had), etc, generally lack of proper management, but generally the Metanet Hunters that want to stay alive stay alive!

Currently that series has Metanet Hunter, Metanet Hunter: REMIX, and Metanet Hunter SE as well!
This is entirely shameless and in the end I feel slightly bad, but now you know what I've worked on!

Yes, I'm a platformer guy. Shoot me.
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Re: Abandoned Projects Showcase or Whatever...

Post by Taehl »

My more-completed semi-abandoned projects are on the wiki. There were a number of others which I haven't shown, and still-earlier projects, some of which (in descending chronological order):

* Relentless, top-down 16-bit shooter/brawler where you play a character who is much more durable and stronger than pretty much everything else in the game. Featured my beloved tilemap system, really efficient/cheap/fun physics, wall/prop damage and destruction (variable durability; 4 frames of tile breakage; debris particles emitted based on tile), grabbing/dragging and throwing NPCs with off-hand, a spritebatch trick which let me keep all debris, blood, bodies, bullet shells, etc. on the ground forever, an option to enable/disable blood and bodies, and a comfortable mapping to both XBox360 controller and keyboard/mouse. Remember scenes in the Terminator films where they slam each other through the environment? Like that, but 16-bit. You can also use a shotgun, but why bother? :D

* PA Game, a pure Lua text-based multiple-choice post-apocalyptic Rogue-like. This one is on the forums, but didn't catch any attention. Everything was procedurally generated so each game was different, deaths were many and varied (including dehydration, earthquake, raider attacks, and heart attack (most every turn, there's an infinitesimally small chance of dying!)), all characters and game maps were saved to a High Scores table which let you re-examine them, an always-visible ASCII-art map of all you've discovered, day/night cycle and dynamic rains (which was even drawn onto the map), intricate character simulation (dynamic starvation, dehydration, exhaustion, exposure vs. protective clothing, wounds/bleeding, male/female biased-randomized qualities, and crying).

* Mods for other games! That would include a tonne of work for Minecraft (I made TTP, one of the pioneering texture packs started way back before infdev and texture pack support!), monster skins included in Sven Coop (perhaps my most prolific creation?) and other HL skinning, and constant tinkering with STALKER, Endgame: Singularity, GMOD, Unreal series, and a slew of others.

* Project Oman, made to familiarize myself with HTML, CSS, PHP, and SQL - a web-based text adventure game which players anonymously contribute to. Each area is described, player choose actions (most often moving to other areas), stats are collected on them; the more popular a room/choice gets, the more choices are added to them, with unpopular choices eventually purged; new choices are up for grabs first come first serve to the first player clicking it, they then go into a page for creating and describing what happens next and adding its first choice. So if you get to the end/"edge" of a story, you could keep writing in a linear fashion about what happens next (in your opinion). If people like it, your actions and choices get fleshed out and expanded upon by the collective muse, growing into a labyrinthine story.

* Earlier attempts using QBASIC. A space business sim in procedurally-generated galaxies, simulating things like supply/demand and colony growth, with a graphical UI and map (I was so proud of my subroutine which would take coordinates/text and lay it out, draw it, and put a 3D-looking box around it!). A recreation of the "raining symbols" animation from The Matrix, configurable, could be used as a screen saver (press the + and - keys raise or lower speed; needed since it wasn't very good at figuring out how long to wait between each frame on different processors!). A few novice attempts at physics engines. Text-based adventure games. Tools to assist TTRPGs.

* And varied contributions to different projects Ensayia has and hasn't shown.
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Re: Abandoned Projects Showcase or Whatever...

Post by darkfrei »

Wow, this thread is awesome!
:awesome: in Lua we Löve
:awesome: Platformer Guide
:awesome: freebies
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