Tiled game: how find the closest fire?

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Tiled game: how find the closest fire?

Post by togFox »

So I have a tiled map and the player can ask an avatar to "fight closest fire".

Challenge: how to find the closest fire when there are two or more tiles containing a fire?

I have implemented jumper to path find but that's when the start and end point are known. I could use Dijkstra unweighted and weight graphs, but this is computational heavy and the two points are known.

Do I need to scan every tile?

Code: Select all

for each tile in map do
   if tile has fire then
      Use JUMPER to get distance   [does jumper do distance or steps?]
Move avatar to the closest fire
Extinguish fire
It would be quite trivial to code that in 10 lines or less but with multiple avatars executing that every 5 seconds or so on a map that may or may not be medium/big ...

Is there another way?
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Re: Tiled game: how find the closest fire?

Post by darkfrei »

For every tile in all tiles near the player check if this tile has a fire.
The list of fires can be sorted and used the nearest / one random of this several nearest fires.
This fire has a tiny priority by next search.
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Re: Tiled game: how find the closest fire?

Post by togFox »

I'm going to try this:

check all tiles that are 1 distance away from the player (i.e. the 8 tiles next to the player)
If no fire then check tiles that are 2 distance away from the player (check 16 tiles)
If no fire then check tiles that are 3 distance away ... etc

So, in other words, check a box that is getting increasingly larger by 1 on each pass until a tile with fire is found. Then move to that fire, extinguish, then repeat. Makes sense?
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Re: Tiled game: how find the closest fire?

Post by darkfrei »

For some distance metrics - pretty well.

Here distance (x, y) to (x1, y1) and to (x1+1, y1) is same for (x1+1-x) <= (y1-y).
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Re: Tiled game: how find the closest fire?

Post by togFox »

uh huh.

I haven't tested this yet - not near a love compiler:

Code: Select all

local row,col = GetClosestNeighbor(m, v, startx,starty)
local function GetClosestNeighbor(m, v, px,py)
-- m = map
-- v = value to look for
-- startx = the origin
-- starty = the origin
-- return 0,0 if nothing found

	local boundary = math.max(#m, #m[1])
	for i = 1 , boundary do	
		-- do the top row only
		row = (py - i)
		if row < 1 then row = 1 end
		for col = (px - i), (px + i) do
			if col < 1 then col = 1 end
			if col > #m[1] then col = #m[1] end
			if m[row][col] == v
				return row,col
		-- do the bottom row
		row = (py + i)
		if row > #m then row = #m end
		for col = (px - i), (px + i) do
			if col < 1 then col = 1 end
			if col > #m[1] then col = #m end
			if m[row][col] == v
				return row,col

		-- do the left column
		for row = (py - i), (py + i) do
			if row < 1 then row = 1 end
			if row > #m then row = #m end
			col = (px - i)
			if col < 1 then col = 1 end			
			if m[row][col] == v
				return row,col
		-- do the right column
		for row = (py - i), (py + i) do
			if row < 1 then row = 1 end
			if row > #m then row = #m end			
			col = (px + i)
			if col > #m[1] then col = #m end
			if m[row][col] == v
				return row,col
	return 0,0
Not elegant but, until I try to run it, I think it should work.
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Re: Tiled game: how find the closest fire?

Post by darkfrei »

Code and result:


Code: Select all

local tabl = {}

function compare(a,b)
	return a.sd < b.sd

local square_radius = 10 -- sradius!

for x = -square_radius, square_radius do
	for y = -square_radius, square_radius do
		local sd = math.floor(x^2+y^2) -- squared distance
		table.insert (tabl, {x=x,y=y, sd = sd})

table.sort(tabl, compare)

local tabl2 = {}
local ds = -1
local n = 0

for i, v in pairs (tabl) do
	--	print (i .. '	' .. v.x .. '	' .. v.y .. '	' .. v.sd)
	if ds < v.sd then
		ds = v.sd
		n = n + 1
		tabl2[n] = {}
	table.insert (tabl2[n], v)

print ('tabl = {')
for i, v in pairs (tabl2) do
	local str = '{'
	for j,w in pairs (v) do
		str = str ..'{x='..w.x..', y='..w.y..'}, '
	str = str:sub(1, -3)
	str = str..'},'
	print ('', ' -- elements: ' .. #v .. '; squared distance: '..v[1].sd)
	print ('', str)

print ('}')

Code: Select all

tabl = {
	 -- elements: 1; squared distance: 0
	{{x=0, y=0}},
	 -- elements: 4; squared distance: 1
	{{x=1, y=0}, {x=0, y=-1}, {x=0, y=1}, {x=-1, y=0}},
	 -- elements: 4; squared distance: 2
	{{x=-1, y=-1}, {x=1, y=-1}, {x=1, y=1}, {x=-1, y=1}},
	 -- elements: 4; squared distance: 4
	{{x=0, y=2}, {x=2, y=0}, {x=-2, y=0}, {x=0, y=-2}},
	 -- elements: 8; squared distance: 5
	{{x=-2, y=-1}, {x=1, y=-2}, {x=2, y=1}, {x=2, y=-1}, {x=-1, y=-2}, {x=-1, y=2}, {x=-2, y=1}, {x=1, y=2}},
	 -- elements: 4; squared distance: 8
	{{x=2, y=2}, {x=2, y=-2}, {x=-2, y=-2}, {x=-2, y=2}},
	 -- elements: 4; squared distance: 9
	{{x=0, y=-3}, {x=-3, y=0}, {x=0, y=3}, {x=3, y=0}},
	 -- elements: 8; squared distance: 10
	{{x=-1, y=3}, {x=3, y=1}, {x=3, y=-1}, {x=-1, y=-3}, {x=1, y=3}, {x=-3, y=-1}, {x=-3, y=1}, {x=1, y=-3}},
	 -- elements: 8; squared distance: 13
	{{x=2, y=-3}, {x=-2, y=-3}, {x=-3, y=2}, {x=3, y=2}, {x=-2, y=3}, {x=-3, y=-2}, {x=3, y=-2}, {x=2, y=3}},
	 -- elements: 4; squared distance: 16
	{{x=0, y=-4}, {x=4, y=0}, {x=-4, y=0}, {x=0, y=4}},
	 -- elements: 8; squared distance: 17
	{{x=-1, y=-4}, {x=4, y=-1}, {x=-4, y=1}, {x=-4, y=-1}, {x=4, y=1}, {x=-1, y=4}, {x=1, y=-4}, {x=1, y=4}},
	 -- elements: 4; squared distance: 18
	{{x=-3, y=-3}, {x=3, y=3}, {x=3, y=-3}, {x=-3, y=3}},
	 -- elements: 8; squared distance: 20
	{{x=4, y=-2}, {x=-4, y=-2}, {x=2, y=-4}, {x=2, y=4}, {x=4, y=2}, {x=-4, y=2}, {x=-2, y=-4}, {x=-2, y=4}},
	 -- elements: 12; squared distance: 25
	{{x=5, y=0}, {x=-5, y=0}, {x=3, y=-4}, {x=-4, y=3}, {x=-3, y=4}, {x=0, y=-5}, {x=-4, y=-3}, {x=0, y=5}, {x=4, y=-3}, {x=3, y=4}, {x=4, y=3}, {x=-3, y=-4}},
	 -- elements: 8; squared distance: 26
	{{x=-1, y=5}, {x=5, y=1}, {x=1, y=5}, {x=-1, y=-5}, {x=-5, y=1}, {x=-5, y=-1}, {x=1, y=-5}, {x=5, y=-1}},
	 -- elements: 8; squared distance: 29
	{{x=2, y=5}, {x=-5, y=-2}, {x=-2, y=-5}, {x=5, y=2}, {x=5, y=-2}, {x=-2, y=5}, {x=-5, y=2}, {x=2, y=-5}},
	 -- elements: 4; squared distance: 32
	{{x=4, y=4}, {x=-4, y=4}, {x=-4, y=-4}, {x=4, y=-4}},
	 -- elements: 8; squared distance: 34
	{{x=-3, y=5}, {x=-5, y=3}, {x=-5, y=-3}, {x=5, y=3}, {x=3, y=5}, {x=-3, y=-5}, {x=5, y=-3}, {x=3, y=-5}},
	 -- elements: 4; squared distance: 36
	{{x=6, y=0}, {x=0, y=6}, {x=0, y=-6}, {x=-6, y=0}},
	 -- elements: 8; squared distance: 37
	{{x=1, y=-6}, {x=-1, y=6}, {x=-1, y=-6}, {x=1, y=6}, {x=6, y=-1}, {x=-6, y=1}, {x=-6, y=-1}, {x=6, y=1}},
	 -- elements: 8; squared distance: 40
	{{x=6, y=2}, {x=-6, y=2}, {x=-2, y=6}, {x=-6, y=-2}, {x=-2, y=-6}, {x=2, y=-6}, {x=2, y=6}, {x=6, y=-2}},
	 -- elements: 8; squared distance: 41
	{{x=-5, y=-4}, {x=-4, y=5}, {x=5, y=4}, {x=4, y=-5}, {x=-4, y=-5}, {x=5, y=-4}, {x=-5, y=4}, {x=4, y=5}},
	 -- elements: 8; squared distance: 45
	{{x=6, y=-3}, {x=6, y=3}, {x=3, y=6}, {x=3, y=-6}, {x=-6, y=3}, {x=-3, y=-6}, {x=-3, y=6}, {x=-6, y=-3}},
	 -- elements: 4; squared distance: 49
	{{x=0, y=-7}, {x=7, y=0}, {x=-7, y=0}, {x=0, y=7}},
	 -- elements: 12; squared distance: 50
	{{x=5, y=5}, {x=5, y=-5}, {x=-5, y=-5}, {x=7, y=1}, {x=-1, y=-7}, {x=1, y=7}, {x=1, y=-7}, {x=-1, y=7}, {x=-7, y=-1}, {x=-7, y=1}, {x=7, y=-1}, {x=-5, y=5}},
	 -- elements: 8; squared distance: 52
	{{x=4, y=6}, {x=6, y=4}, {x=4, y=-6}, {x=6, y=-4}, {x=-6, y=-4}, {x=-6, y=4}, {x=-4, y=6}, {x=-4, y=-6}},
	 -- elements: 8; squared distance: 53
	{{x=2, y=7}, {x=-7, y=-2}, {x=2, y=-7}, {x=-2, y=7}, {x=-7, y=2}, {x=7, y=-2}, {x=7, y=2}, {x=-2, y=-7}},
	 -- elements: 8; squared distance: 58
	{{x=3, y=7}, {x=-7, y=-3}, {x=-7, y=3}, {x=3, y=-7}, {x=-3, y=-7}, {x=7, y=-3}, {x=-3, y=7}, {x=7, y=3}},
	 -- elements: 8; squared distance: 61
	{{x=6, y=-5}, {x=6, y=5}, {x=5, y=6}, {x=-5, y=-6}, {x=-6, y=5}, {x=-5, y=6}, {x=5, y=-6}, {x=-6, y=-5}},
	 -- elements: 4; squared distance: 64
	{{x=0, y=-8}, {x=8, y=0}, {x=0, y=8}, {x=-8, y=0}},
	 -- elements: 16; squared distance: 65
	{{x=-4, y=7}, {x=1, y=8}, {x=7, y=-4}, {x=-1, y=8}, {x=7, y=4}, {x=-4, y=-7}, {x=1, y=-8}, {x=4, y=-7}, {x=8, y=1}, {x=4, y=7}, {x=-8, y=-1}, {x=-8, y=1}, {x=-7, y=-4}, {x=-1, y=-8}, {x=-7, y=4}, {x=8, y=-1}},
	 -- elements: 8; squared distance: 68
	{{x=8, y=2}, {x=2, y=-8}, {x=-8, y=2}, {x=-2, y=8}, {x=-2, y=-8}, {x=8, y=-2}, {x=-8, y=-2}, {x=2, y=8}},
	 -- elements: 4; squared distance: 72
	{{x=6, y=-6}, {x=6, y=6}, {x=-6, y=6}, {x=-6, y=-6}},
	 -- elements: 8; squared distance: 73
	{{x=3, y=8}, {x=8, y=3}, {x=-8, y=3}, {x=3, y=-8}, {x=8, y=-3}, {x=-3, y=8}, {x=-8, y=-3}, {x=-3, y=-8}},
	 -- elements: 8; squared distance: 74
	{{x=-5, y=-7}, {x=7, y=-5}, {x=-7, y=-5}, {x=7, y=5}, {x=5, y=7}, {x=-5, y=7}, {x=-7, y=5}, {x=5, y=-7}},
	 -- elements: 8; squared distance: 80
	{{x=4, y=8}, {x=4, y=-8}, {x=8, y=-4}, {x=-4, y=8}, {x=-4, y=-8}, {x=8, y=4}, {x=-8, y=-4}, {x=-8, y=4}},
	 -- elements: 4; squared distance: 81
	{{x=0, y=-9}, {x=-9, y=0}, {x=9, y=0}, {x=0, y=9}},
	 -- elements: 8; squared distance: 82
	{{x=9, y=1}, {x=-9, y=1}, {x=-1, y=9}, {x=1, y=-9}, {x=1, y=9}, {x=-1, y=-9}, {x=9, y=-1}, {x=-9, y=-1}},
	 -- elements: 16; squared distance: 85
	{{x=-7, y=6}, {x=-2, y=-9}, {x=6, y=-7}, {x=9, y=-2}, {x=-6, y=-7}, {x=-2, y=9}, {x=-9, y=2}, {x=-7, y=-6}, {x=2, y=9}, {x=7, y=6}, {x=2, y=-9}, {x=6, y=7}, {x=-9, y=-2}, {x=-6, y=7}, {x=9, y=2}, {x=7, y=-6}},
	 -- elements: 8; squared distance: 89
	{{x=8, y=-5}, {x=-5, y=-8}, {x=8, y=5}, {x=5, y=8}, {x=-5, y=8}, {x=-8, y=-5}, {x=5, y=-8}, {x=-8, y=5}},
	 -- elements: 8; squared distance: 90
	{{x=-3, y=-9}, {x=9, y=3}, {x=3, y=9}, {x=-9, y=-3}, {x=3, y=-9}, {x=-3, y=9}, {x=-9, y=3}, {x=9, y=-3}},
	 -- elements: 8; squared distance: 97
	{{x=9, y=-4}, {x=-9, y=4}, {x=4, y=9}, {x=-9, y=-4}, {x=-4, y=9}, {x=9, y=4}, {x=4, y=-9}, {x=-4, y=-9}},
	 -- elements: 4; squared distance: 98
	{{x=7, y=-7}, {x=-7, y=7}, {x=7, y=7}, {x=-7, y=-7}},
	 -- elements: 12; squared distance: 100
	{{x=6, y=-8}, {x=0, y=10}, {x=-8, y=-6}, {x=6, y=8}, {x=8, y=6}, {x=-8, y=6}, {x=0, y=-10}, {x=-6, y=-8}, {x=-10, y=0}, {x=8, y=-6}, {x=-6, y=8}, {x=10, y=0}},
	 -- elements: 8; squared distance: 101
	{{x=1, y=10}, {x=-10, y=1}, {x=1, y=-10}, {x=-10, y=-1}, {x=10, y=1}, {x=-1, y=10}, {x=10, y=-1}, {x=-1, y=-10}},
	 -- elements: 8; squared distance: 104
	{{x=10, y=-2}, {x=2, y=10}, {x=-10, y=-2}, {x=-2, y=-10}, {x=2, y=-10}, {x=-2, y=10}, {x=10, y=2}, {x=-10, y=2}},
	 -- elements: 8; squared distance: 106
	{{x=-9, y=5}, {x=9, y=5}, {x=9, y=-5}, {x=-9, y=-5}, {x=5, y=-9}, {x=5, y=9}, {x=-5, y=-9}, {x=-5, y=9}},
	 -- elements: 8; squared distance: 109
	{{x=10, y=3}, {x=10, y=-3}, {x=-10, y=3}, {x=-10, y=-3}, {x=-3, y=10}, {x=3, y=-10}, {x=-3, y=-10}, {x=3, y=10}},
	 -- elements: 8; squared distance: 113
	{{x=8, y=-7}, {x=8, y=7}, {x=7, y=8}, {x=7, y=-8}, {x=-7, y=-8}, {x=-7, y=8}, {x=-8, y=7}, {x=-8, y=-7}},
	 -- elements: 8; squared distance: 116
	{{x=-10, y=-4}, {x=-4, y=-10}, {x=-4, y=10}, {x=4, y=-10}, {x=10, y=4}, {x=4, y=10}, {x=-10, y=4}, {x=10, y=-4}},
	 -- elements: 8; squared distance: 117
	{{x=9, y=6}, {x=6, y=9}, {x=9, y=-6}, {x=6, y=-9}, {x=-9, y=-6}, {x=-6, y=-9}, {x=-9, y=6}, {x=-6, y=9}},
	 -- elements: 8; squared distance: 125
	{{x=-5, y=10}, {x=-5, y=-10}, {x=10, y=5}, {x=10, y=-5}, {x=-10, y=5}, {x=5, y=10}, {x=5, y=-10}, {x=-10, y=-5}},
	 -- elements: 4; squared distance: 128
	{{x=8, y=8}, {x=-8, y=8}, {x=8, y=-8}, {x=-8, y=-8}},
	 -- elements: 8; squared distance: 130
	{{x=7, y=9}, {x=-7, y=9}, {x=-9, y=-7}, {x=-9, y=7}, {x=9, y=-7}, {x=7, y=-9}, {x=-7, y=-9}, {x=9, y=7}},
	 -- elements: 8; squared distance: 136
	{{x=10, y=-6}, {x=-10, y=6}, {x=6, y=-10}, {x=10, y=6}, {x=6, y=10}, {x=-10, y=-6}, {x=-6, y=-10}, {x=-6, y=10}},
	 -- elements: 8; squared distance: 145
	{{x=9, y=-8}, {x=-9, y=-8}, {x=8, y=-9}, {x=-8, y=-9}, {x=8, y=9}, {x=9, y=8}, {x=-9, y=8}, {x=-8, y=9}},
	 -- elements: 8; squared distance: 149
	{{x=7, y=-10}, {x=-7, y=-10}, {x=10, y=-7}, {x=-7, y=10}, {x=-10, y=7}, {x=-10, y=-7}, {x=7, y=10}, {x=10, y=7}},
	 -- elements: 4; squared distance: 162
	{{x=-9, y=9}, {x=9, y=-9}, {x=9, y=9}, {x=-9, y=-9}},
	 -- elements: 8; squared distance: 164
	{{x=-10, y=8}, {x=-8, y=-10}, {x=-8, y=10}, {x=-10, y=-8}, {x=8, y=-10}, {x=10, y=8}, {x=10, y=-8}, {x=8, y=10}},
	 -- elements: 8; squared distance: 181
	{{x=10, y=-9}, {x=-10, y=-9}, {x=9, y=10}, {x=9, y=-10}, {x=-9, y=10}, {x=-9, y=-10}, {x=10, y=9}, {x=-10, y=9}},
	 -- elements: 4; squared distance: 200
	{{x=-10, y=-10}, {x=-10, y=10}, {x=10, y=-10}, {x=10, y=10}},
What is it: the list of sorted distances array of tiles, so you can process the list if no fires was found in this array of tiles.

First look at your tile: {{x=0, y=0}} -- elements: 1; squared distance: 0

if no fire here, skip to next line and seek for the fire in next fourth tiles:
{{x=1, y=0}, {x=0, y=-1}, {x=0, y=1}, {x=-1, y=0}} -- elements: 4; squared distance: 1

If no fire here, then next fourth tiles:
{{x=-1, y=-1}, {x=1, y=-1}, {x=1, y=1}, {x=-1, y=1}} -- elements: 4; squared distance: 2

etc. up to square-radius 10.

:oops: Update: actually, you must exclude all lines, that are larger than squared distance 100 for square-radius 10.
Euclidian metric for tiles; public domain
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Re: Tiled game: how find the closest fire?

Post by darkfrei »

Here the example how it works, there is the order priority, first nearest neighbours, than next nearest to center.
Animation (42).gif
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Re: Tiled game: how find the closest fire?

Post by togFox »

I was thinking of doing four line scans (a box) adorns the player in ever increasing size and abusing when there is a hit, while being careful about scanning out of bounds.

I can see what you are doing with your approach. Thanks. :)
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