First project: "Bumpy Road" ball racer

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First project: "Bumpy Road" ball racer

Post by JimOfLeisure »

I started with the physics tutorial to familiarize myself with the physics and wanted to use noise to generate something in a game continuously. I wound up with Bumpy Road, or maybe I should have called it Bumpy Hill.

It's just a ball rolling down a hill, but if it bounces too high it deploys a parachute because it's afraid of heights. Parachute deployments, meters traveled, fastest 100m, and fastest 1km are tracked and displayed. There are no rewards or triggers aside from trying to get faster times which involves speed without bouncing. To control speed you drag up/down to change the slope.

Love2d was fun to use, but the camera rotations and transforms broke my brain. What's here is workable but not exactly what I intended. If I draw text after unsetting the camera ... oh I see what happened there, I removed the push and pop while trying to get it right. Ok, that particular mystery is solved.

Source code is at , Love.js playable export is at , .love file attached.

If I were to continue this I would work on the noise scale as it seems a bit inconsistent, and I'd take another crack at trying to rotate around a more sane point. Also the parachute inverts if the ball floats to the left, and it's possible for the ball to get stuck entirely in a divot.

Thanks for trying it!
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