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Gravtius, a gravity-based platformer

Posted: Sat May 02, 2020 12:09 am
by JuanjoSalvador

I've been working on this game for the last weeks, investing my free time after work, mostly debugging and trying to make a base game, in order to just add new maps created with Tiled. In the future, I want to fork this code to create a "platformer template", useful for gamejams or just another game.

Gravtius is a gravity-based platformer, mostly inspired on VVVVVV mechanics. It started as a learning project and experiment, but now it's a full playable game. Currently on development, today I released the first alpha. There is still some buggy things, like music, and it should be memory-optimized, but I'm working on it.


You can get it on for FREE!

(limited offer for my belöved friends :awesome:)

Hope you like it! More rooms are coming!

Re: Gravtius, a gravity-based platformer

Posted: Sat May 02, 2020 1:17 am
by sphyrth
Yes, the title of your post alone got me saying: "VVVVVV"

I personally think that the music is the selling point. It makes me feel like I'm casually solving problems in a fun way. VVVVVV in contrast has a very heavy-atmospheric music (which, of course is understandable given its storyline).

I don't know what's causing the movement controls to be clunky, but I hope you continue on polishing this project. It's a fun game.

Re: Gravtius, a gravity-based platformer

Posted: Sat May 02, 2020 9:54 am
by JuanjoSalvador
About the music, I'm looking for something better, at least more atmospheric, it's a point on the alpha 2 milestone. About the controls, actually it works with physics and impulses, but I need to tune it. Thanks for your comments! :crazy: :3

Re: Gravtius, a gravity-based platformer

Posted: Sat May 02, 2020 11:28 am
by pgimeno
Cool game! I'm running into issues though.

I went to the door without a key and...

Code: Select all

Error: states/game.lua:183: attempt to compare number with nil
stack traceback:
	[string "boot.lua"]:777: in function '__le'
	states/game.lua:183: in function <states/game.lua:169>
	[C]: in function 'update'
	states/game.lua:79: in function 'update'
	main.lua:60: in function 'update'
	[string "boot.lua"]:612: in function <[string "boot.lua"]:594>
	[C]: in function 'xpcall'
When leaning against a wall, you can invert gravity and sometimes even move to the opposite wall. Is that supposed to happen?

In level 3, when I press space without otherwise moving at all, I am stopped at the top of the door.

On game over, when I return to the menu, the in-game music keeps playing and intermixes with the menu music. This only happened once; it worked fine the rest of the time.

Re: Gravtius, a gravity-based platformer

Posted: Sat May 02, 2020 1:08 pm
by JuanjoSalvador
Uh, I should write a bunch of more specific tests, I guess. Added it to my board!

The wall issue, currently is some kind of glitch, I'm trying to fix. Same for the level 3 door issue.

And the music, I don't know why it happens only on this specific scenario, to be honest. Still trying to fix it. This and some other fixes will come with the next alpha release.

Re: Gravtius, a gravity-based platformer

Posted: Wed May 06, 2020 8:30 pm
by CrimsonGuy
I'd seen that tileset in the asset store, i really like it, glad is being put to good use.