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Celestial Nebula [Shoot 'em up]

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 1:57 am
by badtrip712
Build 10 Screenshot :

I was bored for the last few days... So I decided I'd code a game...

It's started like that :

later evolved into that :

Info :
red bar = mother-ship damage
green bar = level percentage

Controls :
mouse = move
left click = shoot
r = reset
k = keyboard mode ( wasd = move )

cheats :
p = level up

Known bugs :
-ship flickering at high level (~40+) (semi-fixed as of build 11)

Changelog :

build 12
-added a new big enemy ship.
-added laser weapon at level 16.


Current build :
build 12 - (08-06-09)

Old builds :
build 11 - (08-05-09)
build 10 - (08-04-09)
build 9 - (08-04-09)
build 8 - (08-04-09)
build 7 - (08-03-09)
build 6 - (08-03-09)
build 5 - (08-03-09)
build 4 - (08-03-09)

Please feel free to comment. I'm always happy when people help me build a better game!

Re: Unnamed little project...[Shoot 'em up]

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 2:03 am
by TechnoCat
You can always upload an attachment to the post. :monocle:

This game is fun. :nyu:
When you get to like level 40, it doesn't seem to know where your mouse is and the ship jumps around sporadically.

Re: Unnamed little project...[Shoot 'em up]

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 2:48 am
by badtrip712
TechnoCat wrote:You can always upload an attachment to the post. :monocle:

This game is fun. :nyu:
When you get to like level 40, it doesn't seem to know where your mouse is and the ship jumps around sporadically.
Attachment size limit is 512kb and my game is around 1mb.

*added the bug on my bugs list. (it is caused by the extreme speed of the ship)

Re: Unnamed little project...[Shoot 'em up]

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 1:21 pm
by Evil Telephone
This is a lot of fun. Around level 250 the game gets a bit insane.

Re: Unnamed little project...[Shoot 'em up]

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 6:21 pm
by Robin
Great. I have problems passing level 1 :death:

That might be because my computer is ancient, but more likely due to the me-sucking-hard-at-this bug. ;)

Re: Unnamed little project...[Shoot 'em up]

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 6:30 pm
by TechnoCat
Evil Telephone wrote:This is a lot of fun. Around level 250 the game gets a bit insane.
How did you get to a level that high? I try, but when I get to about level 150 my ship is going so fast that it over compensates the mouse and runs into the bad guys on its own!

Re: Unnamed little project...[Shoot 'em up]

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 11:31 pm
by badtrip712
Build 11 released!

-semi-fixed the flickering bug.
-added new laser at level 10.
-added a main menu with a pause function.

I'm starting to run out of idea! Is there something you would like in the game?

Re: Unnamed little project...[Shoot 'em up]

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 12:47 am
by TechnoCat
  • Suggestions
  • Bombs, like start with 3 bombs and get one more for every 100 kills. Something that is very visual and kills everything on screen when you hit 'z' or something.
  • Selectable ships with different playing styles (movement, guns, bombs, appearance, health).
  • Obstacles to dodge (levels?).
  • And of course a MUST for this type of game are Boss battles. (edit: It seems you have a mothership in the source code. I haven't played b11 yet.)

Re: Unnamed little project...[Shoot 'em up]

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 12:57 am
by badtrip712
TechnoCat wrote:
  • Suggestions
  • Bombs, like start with 3 bombs and get one more for every 100 kills. Something that is very visual and kills everything on screen when you hit 'z' or something.
  • Selectable ships with different playing styles (movement, guns, bombs, appearance, health).
  • Obstacles to dodge (levels?).
  • And of course a MUST for this type of game are Boss battles.
Yup I'll probably add some of that. I've also been playing old shoot 'em up on the neogeo for reference so there should be big updates in the coming days!

Re: Celestial Nebula [Shoot 'em up]

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 1:20 am
by TechnoCat
Oh, and a power-up system. Nothing left to do after that. :nyu:\

EDIT: You can keep playing after GAME OVER.

EDIT2: Oh, and AI, more enemy variation, multiplayer, and non linear enemy movement.