
What I am doing

I am currently trying to improve the documentation a bit. I'll keep adding new functions now and then (and you should proofread all of my edits from Recent Changes), until I am done with the list below. I've also improved some existing entries that seemed to lack most details.

After I'm done with the documentation effort, I will think about writing some explanatory material or working on some tutorials. If you have any ideas for what I should write, use my talk page to tell me about them!

I am also prototyping a few games with LÖVE. I have not released any yet, but will eventually.

Documentation TODO list

Here is a list of some pages I am going to add to the documentation. I last updated this list on Sunday March 7th after adding and editing a few pages.

(Apparently the last of these does not affect anything, and I am not so sure about the status of the first two ones either. I'll leave them here for now, though.)