
Physics Libraries

NameDescriptionStandalone Lua ModuleLOVE VersionLOVE Min Version
Fizz XPlatformer(AABB) physics libraryAny
HCA collision detection systemAny
bump.luaMinimal collision detection lib.Any
hxdxPhysics library (easier box2d)Any
tile-colliderModule for resolving tile collisions (+slopes)Any
breezefieldminimal love.physics wrapper11.2
Lope2DA wrap over Love2D physics engine API. It makes dealing with the physics API easier and faster. It also has water pools simulation.0.8.0+
newtonExport and load Box2D bodies made in PhysicsEditor0.8.0+
LÖVE PhysicsEditor LoaderPhysicsEditor Objects Models Loader0.10.20.9.x