Difference between revisions of "Image (Français)"

m (Fixed one parent to point to localized page; also do the rest whenever, please.)
(SMW fields were linking to English pages instead of French.)
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== Supertypes ==
== Supertypes ==
* [[parent::Texture]]
* [[parent::Texture (Français)|Texture]]
* [[parent::Drawable]]
* [[parent::Drawable (Français)|Drawable]]
* [[parent::Object]]
* [[parent::Object (Français)|Object]]
== Voir Egalement ==
== Voir Egalement ==
* [[parent::ImageData]]
* [[parent::ImageData (Français)|ImageData]]
* [[parent::love.graphics (Français)|love.graphics]]
* [[parent::love.graphics (Français)|love.graphics]]

Revision as of 01:56, 18 August 2017

Drawable image type.


love.graphics.newArrayImage Creates a new array Image. Added since 11.0
love.graphics.newCubeImage Creates a new cubemap Image. Added since 11.0
love.graphics.newImage Creates a new Image.
love.graphics.newVolumeImage Creates a new volume Image. Added since 11.0


These functions have parentheses in odd places. This is because the Image: namespace is reserved in Mediawiki.

(Image):getData Gets the original ImageData or CompressedData used to create the Image. Added since 0.9.0 Removed in 11.0
(Image):getFlags Gets the flags used when the image was created. Added since 0.10.0 Removed in 11.0
(Image):isCompressed Gets whether the Image was created from CompressedData. Added since 0.9.0
(Image):isFormatLinear Gets whether the Image was created with a the linear (non-gamma corrected) flag set to true. Added since 11.0
(Image):refresh Reloads the Image's contents from the ImageData or CompressedData used to create the image. Added since 0.9.0 Removed in 11.0
(Image):replacePixels Replace the contents of an Image. Added since 11.0
Object:release Immediately destroys the object's Lua reference. Added since 11.0
Object:type Gets the type of the object as a string.
Object:typeOf Checks whether an object is of a certain type.
Texture:getDPIScale Gets the DPI scale factor of the Texture. Added since 11.0
Texture:getDepth Gets the depth of a Volume Texture. Added since 11.0
Texture:getDepthSampleMode Gets the comparison mode used when sampling from a depth texture in a shader. Added since 11.0
Texture:getDimensions Gets the width and height of the Texture. Added since 0.9.0
Texture:getFilter Gets the filter mode of the Texture.
Texture:getFormat Gets the pixel format of the Texture. Added since 11.0
Texture:getHeight Gets the height of the Texture.
Texture:getLayerCount Gets the number of layers / slices in an Array Texture. Added since 11.0
Texture:getMipmapCount Gets the number of mipmaps contained in the Texture. Added since 11.0
Texture:getMipmapFilter Gets the mipmap filter mode for a Texture. Added since 0.9.0
Texture:getPixelDimensions Gets the width and height in pixels of the Texture. Added since 11.0
Texture:getPixelHeight Gets the height in pixels of the Texture. Added since 11.0
Texture:getPixelWidth Gets the width in pixels of the Texture. Added since 11.0
Texture:getTextureType Gets the type of the Texture. Added since 11.0
Texture:getWidth Gets the width of the Texture.
Texture:getWrap Gets the wrapping properties of a Texture.
Texture:isReadable Gets whether the Texture can be drawn and sent to a Shader. Added since 11.0
Texture:setDepthSampleMode Sets the comparison mode used when sampling from a depth texture in a shader. Added since 11.0
Texture:setFilter Sets the filter mode of the Texture.
Texture:setMipmapFilter Sets the mipmap filter mode for a Texture. Added since 0.9.0
Texture:setWrap Sets the wrapping properties of a Texture.


Voir Egalement

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