
Available since LÖVE 0.8.0
This function is not supported in earlier versions.

Sets a series of colors to apply to the particle sprite. The particle system will interpolate between each color evenly over the particle's lifetime. Color modulation needs to be activated for this function to have any effect.

Arguments are passed in groups of four, representing the components of the desired RGBA value.



ParticleSystem:setColors( r1, g1, b1, a1, r2, g2, b2, a2, ..., rn, gn, bn, an )


number r1
First color, red component (0-255).
number g1
First color, green component (0-255).
number b1
First color, blue component (0-255).
number a1
First color, alpha component (0-255).
number r2
Second color, red component (0-255).
number g2
Second color, green component (0-255).
number b2
Second color, blue component (0-255).
number a2
Second color, alpha component (0-255).
number rn
Final color, red component (0-255).
number gn
Final color, green component (0-255).
number bn
Final color, blue component (0-255).
number an
Final color, alpha component (0-255).



See Also

Other Languages