

By registering at the forum you register here.

The follow information was copied from Wikipedia's page about registration benefits:

You do not have to log in to read Wikipedia, nor is a registered account required to edit Wikipedia articles—almost anyone can edit almost any article at any given time, even without logging in. When not logged in to an account, by default a person edits instead by their IP address, assigned by their internet service provider (ISP). Nevertheless, creating an account is quick, free, and non-intrusive, and it is generally considered a good idea to do so for a variety of reasons.

Summary of Benifits

(from Wikipedia, also)

Registered users can:

  • Start new pages, including their own user page.
  • Edit semi-protected pages once ten edits have been made, and their account is at least four days old.
  • Rename pages, after awhile.
  • Upload images, after awhile.
  • Send, and optionally receive, e-mails to and from other users.
  • Set personal preferences on their account.
  • Keep a watchlist to track changes made on articles of interest.
  • Choose a username. (Should be an appropriate name)
  • More easily review their own contributions.
  • Customize the appearance and behavior of the website to their own preference.
  • Use more advanced editing tools.
  • Vote in Arbitration Committee elections and Wikimedia Board elections.
  • Edit without their IP address being visible, except to a few, highly trusted, users who have the Checkuser permission.
  • Log into other Wikimedia projects.
  • Customize their own signatures when they sign on talk pages by going to their preferences.

More Information

For more information please visit Wikipedia's article.