
Highscöre is a library which creates simple highscore tables.

Download it here.

How to use

First use love.filesystem.setIdentity. Also be sure to use the following line of code before using the functions:

require "path/to/highscore.lua"

Then you can start using the functions seen below.


highscore_new(filename, places, name, score)

filename - Name of text file where highscore table is stored.

places - Number of places in highscore table.

name - Name for "Nobody."

score - Score for "Nobody."

Creates an empty highscore table. Use this if the highscore table doesn't exist yet.


filename - Name of text file to load highscore table from.

Loads a highscore table. Be sure to use this before using highscore_add or highscore_write!


filename - Name of text file to write highscore table to.

Writes the currently stored high scores. You'll probably want to use this after using highscore_add.

highscore_add(score, name)

score - Score to enter into highscore table.

name - Name that goes with score.

Enter a score into the highscore tale.