
Available since LÖVE 0.9.0
This function is not supported in earlier versions.

Generates a Simplex or Perlin noise value in 1-4 dimensions. The return value will always be the same, given the same arguments.

Simplex noise is closely related to Perlin noise. It is widely used for procedural content generation.

There are many webpages which discuss Perlin and Simplex noise in detail.

O.png The return value might be constant if only integer arguments are used. Avoid solely passing in integers, to get varying return values.  


Generates Simplex noise from 1 dimension.


value = love.math.noise( x )


number x
The number used to generate the noise value.


number value
The noise value in the range of [0, 1].


Generates Simplex noise from 2 dimensions.


value = love.math.noise( x, y )


number x
The first value of the 2-dimensional vector used to generate the noise value.
number y
The second value of the 2-dimensional vector used to generate the noise value.


number value
The noise value in the range of [0, 1].


Generates Perlin noise (Simplex noise in version 0.9.2 and older) from 3 dimensions.


value = love.math.noise( x, y, z )


number x
The first value of the 3-dimensional vector used to generate the noise value.
number y
The second value of the 3-dimensional vector used to generate the noise value.
number z
The third value of the 3-dimensional vector used to generate the noise value.


number value
The noise value in the range of [0, 1].


Generates Perlin noise (Simplex noise in version 0.9.2 and older) from 4 dimensions.


value = love.math.noise( x, y, z, w )


number x
The first value of the 4-dimensional vector used to generate the noise value.
number y
The second value of the 4-dimensional vector used to generate the noise value.
number z
The third value of the 4-dimensional vector used to generate the noise value.
number w
The fourth value of the 4-dimensional vector used to generate the noise value.


number value
The noise value in the range of [0, 1].

See Also

Other Languages