
Available since LÖVE 0.9.0
This function is not supported in earlier versions.

Sets the vibration motor speeds on a Joystick with rumble support. Most common gamepads have this functionality, although not all drivers give proper support. Use Joystick:isVibrationSupported to check.



success = Joystick:setVibration( left, right )


number left
Strength of the left vibration motor on the Joystick. Must be in the range of [0, 1].
number right
Strength of the right vibration motor on the Joystick. Must be in the range of [0, 1].


boolean success
True if the vibration was successfully applied, false if not.


If the Joystick only has a single vibration motor, it will still work but it will use the largest value of the left and right parameters.

The Xbox 360 controller on Mac OS X only has support for vibration if a modified version of the Tattiebogle driver is used.

The very first call to this function may take more time than expected because SDL's Haptic / Force Feedback subsystem needs to be initialized.

See Also

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