Difference between revisions of "love.graphics.printf"

(See Also)
m (Add note about integer positions)
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{{notice|Aligning does not work as one might expect! It doesn't align to the x/y coordinates given, but in a rectangle, where the limit is the width.}}
{{notice|Aligning does not work as one might expect! It doesn't align to the x/y coordinates given, but in a rectangle, where the limit is the width.}}
{{notice|Text may appear blurry if it's rendered at non-integer pixel locations.}}
== Function ==
== Function ==
=== Synopsis ===
=== Synopsis ===

Revision as of 00:25, 28 August 2017

Draws formatted text, with word wrap and alignment.

See additional notes in love.graphics.print.

In version 0.9.2 and earlier, wrapping was implemented by breaking up words by spaces and putting them back together to make sure things fit nicely within the limit provided. However, due to the way this is done, extra spaces between words would end up missing when printed on the screen, and some lines could overflow past the provided wrap limit. In version 0.10.0 and newer this is no longer the case.

O.png Aligning does not work as one might expect! It doesn't align to the x/y coordinates given, but in a rectangle, where the limit is the width.  

O.png Text may appear blurry if it's rendered at non-integer pixel locations.  



love.graphics.printf( text, x, y, limit, align )


string text
A text string.
number x
The position on the x-axis.
number y
The position on the y-axis.
number limit
Wrap the line after this many horizontal pixels.
AlignMode align ("left")
The alignment.




Available since LÖVE 0.9.0
This variant is not supported in earlier versions.


love.graphics.printf( text, x, y, limit, align, r, sx, sy, ox, oy, kx, ky )


string text
A text string.
number x
The position on the x-axis.
number y
The position on the y-axis.
number limit
Wrap the line after this many horizontal pixels.
AlignMode align ("left")
The alignment.
number r (0)
Orientation (radians).
number sx (1)
Scale factor (x-axis).
number sy (sx)
Scale factor (y-axis).
number ox (0)
Origin offset (x-axis).
number oy (0)
Origin offset (y-axis).
number kx (0)
Shearing factor (x-axis).
number ky (0)
Shearing factor (y-axis).




Available since LÖVE 0.10.0
This variant is not supported in earlier versions.


love.graphics.printf( coloredtext, x, y, wraplimit, alignmode, angle, sx, sy, ox, oy, kx, ky )


table coloredtext
A table containing colors and strings to add to the object, in the form of {color1, string1, color2, string2, ...}.
table color1
A table containing red, green, blue, and optional alpha components to use as a color for the next string in the table, in the form of {red, green, blue, alpha}.
string string1
A string of text which has a color specified by the previous color.
table color2
A table containing red, green, blue, and optional alpha components to use as a color for the next string in the table, in the form of {red, green, blue, alpha}.
string string2
A string of text which has a color specified by the previous color.
tables and strings ...
Additional colors and strings.
number x
The position of the text (x-axis).
number y
The position of the text (y-axis).
number wraplimit
The maximum width in pixels of the text before it gets automatically wrapped to a new line.
AlignMode align
The alignment of the text.
number angle (0)
Orientation (radians).
number sx (1)
Scale factor (x-axis).
number sy (sx)
Scale factor (y-axis).
number ox (0)
Origin offset (x-axis).
number oy (0)
Origin offset (y-axis).
number kx (0)
Shearing / skew factor (x-axis).
number ky (0)
Shearing / skew factor (y-axis).




The color set by love.graphics.setColor will be combined (multiplied) with the colors of the text.


Draw text to the screen with right alignment and a horizontal limit of 125.

love.graphics.printf("This text is aligned right, and wraps when it gets too big.", 25, 25, 125, "right")


Note that the limit argument affects the position of your text for 'center' and 'right' alignment.

love.graphics.printf("This text is aligned center",100, 100, 200,"center") -- center your text around x = 200/2 + 100 = 200
love.graphics.printf("This text is aligned right",100, 100, 200,"right") -- align right to x = 100 + 200 = 300

See Also

Other Languages