Difference between revisions of "love.graphics.translate"

m (Clarification of how long .translate calls actually last)
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Scale and translate are not commutative operations, therefore, calling them in different orders will change the outcome.
Scale and translate are not commutative operations, therefore, calling them in different orders will change the outcome.
This change lasts until [[love.draw]]() exits or else a [[love.graphics.pop]] reverts to a previous [[love.graphics.push]].
This change lasts until the next [[love.draw]]() call, or else or else a [[love.graphics.pop]] reverts to a previous [[love.graphics.push]], or [[love.graphics.origin]] is called -- whichever comes first.
Translating using whole numbers will prevent tearing/blurring of images and fonts draw after translating.
Translating using whole numbers will prevent tearing/blurring of images and fonts draw after translating.

Revision as of 18:06, 3 June 2022

Translates the coordinate system in two dimensions.

When this function is called with two numbers, dx, and dy, all the following drawing operations take effect as if their x and y coordinates were x+dx and y+dy.

Scale and translate are not commutative operations, therefore, calling them in different orders will change the outcome.

This change lasts until the next love.draw() call, or else or else a love.graphics.pop reverts to a previous love.graphics.push, or love.graphics.origin is called -- whichever comes first.

Translating using whole numbers will prevent tearing/blurring of images and fonts draw after translating.



love.graphics.translate( dx, dy )


number dx
The translation relative to the x-axis.
number dy
The translation relative to the y-axis.




Translate down and to the right by 10 pixels. Remember, the translation is reset at the end of each love.draw.

function love.draw()
   love.graphics.translate(10, 10)
   love.graphics.print("Text", 5, 5)   -- will effectively render at 15x15

Move the coordinate system with the mouse:

function love.draw()
	mx = love.mouse.getX()
	my = love.mouse.getY()
	if love.mouse.isDown(1) then
		if not mouse_pressed then
			mouse_pressed = true
			dx = tx-mx
			dy = ty-my
			tx = mx+dx
			ty = my+dy
	elseif mouse_pressed then
		mouse_pressed = false
	love.graphics.translate(tx, ty)
	-- example graphics:
	love.graphics.circle( "line", 0, 0, 400 )
	love.graphics.line(-440, 0, 440, 0)
	love.graphics.line(0, -440, 0, 440)

-- restore position with the right mouse button:
function love.mousepressed(x, y, button, istouch)
   if button == 2 then
      tx = 0
      ty = 0

See Also

Other Languages