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== Modules(模块) ==
== Modules(模块) ==
{{#ask: [[Category:Modules]] [[parent::love]] [[Concept:Current]]
{{#ask: [[Category:Modules]] [[parent::love(简体中文)]] [[Concept:Current]]
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Revision as of 09:03, 14 April 2016

当你开始用LÖVE编写游戏时, 需要了解几个最重要的API回调函数: love.load仅执行一次,用于初始化加载你的游戏, love.update用于管理你的游戏每一帧的状态, love.draw用于渲染你的游戏到屏幕.



-- 初始化矩形的一些默认值.
function love.load()
    x, y, w, h = 20, 20, 60, 20

-- 每一帧变大矩形的尺寸.
function love.update(dt)
    w = w + 1
    h = h + 1

-- 渲染颜色矩形.
function love.draw()
    love.graphics.setColor(0, 100, 100)
    love.graphics.rectangle("fill", x, y, w, h)


Third-party modules(第三方模块)

lua-enet Multiplayer networking module for games. Added since 0.9.0
socket Module for HTTP, TCP, and UDP networking. Added since 0.5.0
utf8 Provides basic support for manipulating UTF-8 strings. Added since 0.9.2


love.getVersion Gets the current running version of LÖVE. Added since 0.9.1
love.hasDeprecationOutput Gets whether LÖVE displays warnings when using deprecated functionality. Added since 11.0
love.isVersionCompatible Gets whether the given version is compatible with the current running version of LÖVE. Added since 0.10.0
love.setDeprecationOutput Sets whether LÖVE displays warnings when using deprecated functionality. Added since 11.0


Data The superclass of all data.
Object The superclass of all LÖVE types.
Variant The types supported by love.thread and love.event.



Config Files Game configuration settings.
love.draw Callback function used to draw on the screen every frame.
love.errhand The error handler, used to display error messages.
love.errorhandler The error handler, used to display error messages. Added since 11.0
love.load This function is called exactly once at the beginning of the game.
love.lowmemory Callback function triggered when the system is running out of memory on mobile devices. Added since 0.10.0
love.quit Callback function triggered when the game is closed. Added since 0.7.0
love.run The main function, containing the main loop. A sensible default is used when left out.
love.threaderror Callback function triggered when a Thread encounters an error. Added since 0.9.0
love.update Callback function used to update the state of the game every frame.


love.gamepadaxis Called when a Joystick's virtual gamepad axis is moved. Added since 0.9.0
love.gamepadpressed Called when a Joystick's virtual gamepad button is pressed. Added since 0.9.0
love.gamepadreleased Called when a Joystick's virtual gamepad button is released. Added since 0.9.0
love.joystickadded Called when a Joystick is connected. Added since 0.9.0
love.joystickaxis Called when a joystick axis moves. Added since 0.9.0
love.joystickhat Called when a joystick hat direction changes. Added since 0.9.0
love.joystickpressed Called when a joystick button is pressed.
love.joystickreleased Called when a joystick button is released.
love.joystickremoved Called when a Joystick is disconnected. Added since 0.9.0
