Love2d Framework

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Love2d Framework

Post by pauljessup »

I'm working on an extended framework in Love2d and Lua, based around similar frameworks (but for the web, not games) like Drupal/Magento. This one heavily borrows from the Drupal way of doing things, since I've found through experience that it's the quickest to use and extend. The system will be completely modular, with people being able to write/program/share their extensions with just a copy and paste (or click and download, whatever). Building it from the ground up using entity/asset/event paradigm- which I'm too tired to quite explain right this second.

Later today I'll be uploading what I have so far. Eventually I want to make a full rpg engine based around this, with fully extendable GUI interfaces.

The engine uses the idea of bundles (which can be collected together in packages). Think of a bundle as a Drupal module, that sort of thing. A basic bundle will have several files in it-

info.lua- bundle information
entities.lua - register any entities. Just lists of lists that are tagged so you can retrieve them easily. All entities are also automatically tagged with the module that created them and the entity name.
events.lua- any new events that this bundle will trigger/use, as well as rules for triggering the events.
observers.lua- the main meat of the bundle. These are event observers, which will be used to modify/change/render the entities from entity.lua. The core system has load, update, draw as baked in events.

Anyway, once I have more complete I'll show it here for everyone to play with if they feel like it.
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