The method onSurfaceChanged(GL10, int, int) of type new GLSurfaceView.Renderer(){} must override a superclass method /LoveLNative/src/net/schattenkind/nativelove line 51 Java Problem
The method onSurfaceChanged(GL10, int, int) of type new GLSurfaceView.Renderer(){} must override a superclass method /LoveLNative/src/net/schattenkind/nativelove line 51 Java Problem
The method onSurfaceCreated(GL10, EGLConfig) of type new GLSurfaceView.Renderer(){} must override a superclass method /LoveLNative/src/net/schattenkind/nativelove line 66 Java Problem
Sounds strange. The only Java error's I've seen have been solved by installing Android API level 8 (Froyo), but since this is mentioned in the guide I assume you have done so.
Moe wrote:I have not yet heard that somebody used ndk 8, so I do not know if we need to do some fixes again (7a required some). Can you downgrade to 7 or 7a?
Sadly, I found 7 and 7a to be broken when trying to compile on Windows (while earlier releases aren't compatible at all). Compiling it on Linux solved it.
Moe wrote:I have not yet heard that somebody used ndk 8, so I do not know if we need to do some fixes again (7a required some). Can you downgrade to 7 or 7a?
Sadly, I found 7 and 7a to be broken when trying to compile on Windows (while earlier releases aren't compatible at all). Compiling it on Linux solved it.
Win... what?
We do all development on Linux (Fedora and Mint/Ubuntu) and I am not sure if all dependencies are compatible with development on Windows... If you have a build log from Windows, feel free to post it so that we can take a look, I do not have a Windows setup to do any Android development.
Moe wrote:I have not yet heard that somebody used ndk 8, so I do not know if we need to do some fixes again (7a required some). Can you downgrade to 7 or 7a?
Sadly, I found 7 and 7a to be broken when trying to compile on Windows (while earlier releases aren't compatible at all). Compiling it on Linux solved it.
Win... what?
We do all development on Linux (Fedora and Mint/Ubuntu) and I am not sure if all dependencies are compatible with development on Windows... If you have a build log from Windows, feel free to post it so that we can take a look, I do not have a Windows setup to do any Android development.
I prefer Linux for developing too, but there are too many things that are buggy under Linux (mainly Skype ).
Anyway, I wrote about this problem earlier in this thread, this post describes the relevant part viewtopic.php?f=11&t=8415#p51534 (it was using 7b tho)