I can't create a text box

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Re: I can't create a text box

Post by rusbelito »

darkfrei wrote: Wed Mar 17, 2021 6:05 pm How about this one?
That didn't work for me, but the "love.text input" works perfectly for me, only I can't get the rectangle to keep the size of the text if it goes beyond two lines, this is the code that I have managed to build, replace the font which I am using just because of the "getfont"

Code: Select all

local utf8 = require("utf8")

function love.load()
 string = ""
 font = love.graphics.getFont()
 strw = font:getWidth(string)
 strh = font:getHeight(string)
 anchorectangulo = 0  + strw * 2
 altorectangulo = 0 + strh * 2

function love.textinput(t)
    string = string .. t

function love.keypressed(key)
    if key == "backspace" then
        local byteoffset = utf8.offset(string, -1)

        if byteoffset then
            string = string.sub(string, 1, byteoffset - 1)

function love.update()
  anchorectangulo = font:getWidth(string) + 10
  altorectangulo = altorectangulo
if  anchorectangulo > love.graphics.getWidth()/4 then
anchorectangulo = love.graphics.getWidth()/4 + 10

function love.draw()
  love.graphics.setColor(1, 1, 1, 0.2)
  love.graphics.rectangle("fill", 0, 0, anchorectangulo  , altorectangulo  )
  love.graphics.setColor(1, 1, 1, 1)
  love.graphics.printf(string, 0 + strw / 2, 0 + strh / 2,love.graphics.getWidth()/4)

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Re: I can't create a text box

Post by darkfrei »

Not sure what you want, but you can update your text width here:

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function love.textinput(t)
    string = string .. t
    strw = font:getWidth(string)
    anchorectangulo = strw+10
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Re: I can't create a text box

Post by rusbelito »

darkfrei wrote: Wed Mar 17, 2021 8:16 pm Not sure what you want, but you can update your text width here:

Code: Select all

function love.textinput(t)
    string = string .. t
    strw = font:getWidth(string)
    anchorectangulo = strw+10

oh, I didn't know, I think I put width when I actually wanted to refer to height, in case if you use the code that I put for you and add characters you will see that it reaches a certain range and then makes a line break to make the width of the rectangle I would follow it to that place just as I want but when doing the line break the rectangle does not adjust the height of the text so the text ends up leaving the rectangle, and sorry my English is not very good I have to help the translator XD
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Re: I can't create a text box

Post by rusbelito »

darkfrei wrote: Wed Mar 17, 2021 6:05 pm How about this one?
I couldn't make it work , I was able to achieve that a text could be inserted in a rectangle, but tell me that when I get to x size of the exto I can make the rectangle jump lines but the text does not , my idea was to do something like this ,
but that you could also insert text , but either the text comes out of the rectangle or the rectangle is an odd size , I gave up on the idea :'c
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Re: I can't create a text box

Post by pgimeno »

love.graphics.printf allows you to impose a horizontal limit to text, and it will wrap it for you.

Combine that with Font:getWrap to find the number of lines printed (the length of the returned table) and with Font:getHeight to find the height of each of these lines, and you can determine the total height of the text.

You can also decide to truncate the text when it doesn't fit, with love.graphics.setScissor.


Code: Select all

function balloonText(x, y, text, maxTextWidth)
  local margin = 10

  local font = love.graphics.getFont()
  local lineHeight = font:getHeight()
  local actualWidth, lines = font:getWrap(text, maxTextWidth)
  local textHeight = lineHeight * #lines

  love.graphics.setColor(1, 1, .5)
  love.graphics.rectangle("fill", x, y, margin + maxTextWidth + margin, margin + textHeight + margin, margin)
  love.graphics.setColor(0, 0, 0)
  love.graphics.printf(text, margin + x, margin + y, maxTextWidth)

function love.draw()
  local text = 
  balloonText(300, 200, [[It looks like you're trying to make a game. Woud you like me to...
• Tell your boss you're slacking off again?
• Post a walk-through?
• Hide a clue in the waste paper basket?
• Teach you lua?]], 250)
Of course, improvements are possible by properly separating and indenting the different sections.
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