Dynamic Scaling?

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Dynamic Scaling?

Post by Spunky »

Hi all. I'm trying to scale a title screen (text element within Gspot) dynamically to any resolution. Basically I want to start drawing the text 1/4 from the left side of the window and stop drawing 1/4 distance from the right side of the window, and have it perfectly centered and scaled no matter the (widescreen) resolution selected. So far this has just been driving me crazy. No amount of Googling or searching these forums (which are HUGE) have yielded an answer. :(
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Re: Dynamic Scaling?

Post by Ulydev »

Code: Select all

local w,h = love.graphics.getDimensions()
love.graphics.printf(text, w/4, h/2, w/2, "center")
For easy scaling I'd recommend you try push
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Re: Dynamic Scaling?

Post by Spunky »

Hmm how does that translate to Gspot button elements? Here's the code I have now:

Code: Select all

if love._version_major == 0 and love._version_minor < 9 then
	error("This library needs love2d 0.9.0 or above")

gui = require "gspot"

local tw, th = love.graphics.getDimensions()

font =
	name = "font/mainmenu_title.ttf",
	size = (tw - th) / 2 -- need to figure out how to scale font size appropriately

function love.load()
	local button = gui:button("Test", {x = (tw / 4), y = gui.style.unit, w = font.size, h = gui.style.unit}, nil, true)
	button:setfont(font.name, font.size)
	button.click = function(this, x, y)
		gui:feedback("Button works!")

function love.update(dt)

function love.draw()

function love.mousepressed(x, y, button)
	gui:mousepress(x, y, button)

function love.mousereleased(x, y, button)
	gui:mouserelease(x, y, button)

function love.wheelmoved(x, y)
	gui:mousewheel(x, y)
As you can see there's no easy parameter for centering, so I have to do it manually.

Edit: It looks like push is exactly what I needed! Thank you so much!
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