Move Towards Cursor

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Re: Move Towards Cursor

Post by Robin »

nevon wrote:I'm definitely no Lua expert, but that's my understanding of it also. I'm currently looking through my code, trying to change some global variables into local ones instead, in the interest of performance. However, I've found that I can't really use that many local variables, since a lot of the stuff that I initialize in love.load() or love.update() is needed in love.draw() as well.
If you are a performance junky, this:

Code: Select all

function foo()
    local sin = math.sin
    for k,v in pairs(x) do
        x[k] = sin(v)
is faster than:

Code: Select all

function foo()
    for k,v in pairs(x) do
        x[k] = math.sin(v)
So if you use certain globals a lot in functions that don't set it you can do this.
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Re: Move Towards Cursor

Post by nevon »

Robin wrote:If you are a performance junky, this:
I'm not a performance junky at all (if I was, my code wouldn't look like it does... Trust me). But I'm not crazy happy with my game's performance right now, and I still have a lot more math that needs doing before the game is complete. Every little bit helps.
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