Predefined grids?

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Predefined grids?

Post by GungnirDev »

Does anyone know how you could make a pre-defined grid for a 2D tower-defense-game where you build your tower like Minecraft? It's easy enough to produce the player's tower (you place blocks by clicking) but I need some method of spawning predefined enemy Towers as well. Taking any and all suggestions on where to look.
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Re: Predefined grids?

Post by Helvecta »

Could you explain in more depth please? Just so I can get on the same page :megagrin:

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Re: Predefined grids?

Post by davisdude »

You could easily make a grid-looking thing by doing

Code: Select all

for i = 1, math.ceil( / tile_width ) do
	for ii = 1, math.ceil( / tile_height ) do 'line', ( i - 1 ) * tile_width, ( ii - 1 ) * tile_height, tile_width, tile_height )
That much should give you a grid. Then you just have to gridlock everything, basically by getting the 'tile' they're in.

Code: Select all

tile_x = math.ceil( love.mouse.getX() / tile_width )
tile_y = math.ceil( love.mouse.getY() / tile_height )
Then just make it so that all operations of mouse and such are based on tile_x and tile_y.
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Re: Predefined grids?

Post by GungnirDev »

No, I already have a grid. What i mean is this that I use this code to spawn the blocks:

for i=0,5 do
block = {}
block.material = nothing
block.width = 50
block.height = 40
block.y = ground - 50
block.x = i * (block.width)
table.insert(blocks, block)

And so it appears as this red grid. Then, you can select block types and click on the grid squares so that you can make a fortress out of blocks. This works fine for human players but not computer players (obv. the computer can't click blocks with the mouse) so I was wondering if there was a way you could make a system to pre-generate the grid for the computer player.
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Re: Predefined grids?

Post by micha »

I don't understand the question completely.
Is this a matter of AI and the technical question how the AI "clicks" buttons to create towers?
Or do you have a prepared layout of enemy towers and want to create them on start up?
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Re: Predefined grids?

Post by Plu »

Put all the code that the player uses to build a tower in a big function that takes as arguments the player, tower type and the tile. Then let the AI call that same function with its own player variable. Then the AI will build players just like the player does, and you'll just have to program the right way for the AI to call the functions (but that's AI design and highly dependant on your game)
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