Player moving to a object

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Player moving to a object

Post by rfowler1 »

Hey all, I have been working on a prototype for a couple weeks, its a adventure game that involves clicking to where you want to go. I have run into an issue with having the character move to a point that is created on the screen when the mouse clicks. Currently the character moves 1 pixel towards the object upon creation and stops. I have been trying to figure out maybe some kind of loop that will just add to the (X,Y) of the player until it equals the markers (X,Y) unfortunately I have found no solution.

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function love.load()
	playerX = 1
	playerY = 1
	playerDifference = playerX/playerY

	markerX = 1
	markerY = 1
	markerDraw = false
	markerDifference = 1

	playerCooldown = 50

function love.update(dt)
	if love.keyboard.isDown("d") then
		playerX = playerX + 4
	if love.keyboard.isDown("a") then
		playerX = playerX - 4
	if love.keyboard.isDown("w") then
		playerY = playerY - 4
	if love.keyboard.isDown("s") then
		playerY = playerY + 4

function love.mousepressed(x, y, button, istouch)
	if button == 1 then
		markerDraw = true
		markerX = x
		markerY = y
		markerDifference = x/y	

		if playerDifference ~= markerDifference then
			playerX = playerX + 1
			playerY = playerY + 1
function love.draw()
	if markerDraw == true then"fill", markerX, markerY, 5,5)
	end"fill", playerX, playerY, 20, 20)
I have seen people use math.tan or sin, cos ect, to move their character towards the mouse but im not sure how to apply it to a object. Thanks in advance!
Posts: 26
Joined: Thu Feb 14, 2019 7:45 pm

Re: Player moving to a object

Post by MightyPancake »

Hi, I'm new to LÖVE engine, however, I think I got Your issue here! The thing is, the love.mousepressed function is called ONLY while pressing button, which means it runs only once (well, that is if You're not literally smashing right-click on Your mouse of course :P )
My point is, You should insert
If PlayerDiffrence~=MarkerDiffrence
--code goes here
In the love.update instead of love.mousepressed
Note: Don't forget to utilize dt!!!
I hope I've helped You with that one ;)
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