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Multi-Agent based Simulation

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 4:01 pm
by Chicony
i just register on this forum, a few minutes ago. I am going to write a multiagent-based simulation enviorment, thats fits my needs better than any *logo could. I am still in planning phase, and in the first place its just for some simple Simulations like wolf and sheeps. Later on i may expand it, with all functions NetLogo offer, but thats an hard way.
If you have some ideas or comments on my plan, just tell me.
Edited: ----
I will give a method comperable to the breed in Netlogo, but i am actually not sure if i also shloud use the concept of patches, dividing the whole word in to squares, each of them having there own colours and values.
But i do not real see any alternative do you see one?
Edit 2: First source code that should show general idea how it is possible going to work.

Re: Multi-Agent based Simulation

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 5:11 pm
by Ranguna259
What are going to do is actually realy hard, you're going to have to code lot's of detailed AIs, I can't help you because I'm not very experienced in AI programming so best of luck :)

Re: Multi-Agent based Simulation

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 6:54 pm
by Chicony
Hi Ranguna259,
i do not see your problem, because NetLogo also doesnot offer any AI, so i do not have to. Also i do not see any sense in there, everyone need there own AI, if really an AI is needed. The reason why? Everyone like to use there own walkalgos or own attributes, a AI will need this datas to work well, but the code style of everyone differ so, there would be a lot of work to intigrate my code style and make him compatible to everyones else.
But thats not the point, what NetLogo does, is that it offers you some standard classes you can build on, some standard functions to and a game enviroment too. My goal is to give everybody something he just need to require() and then he get a few example classes with methods he can work with, of course monkey patching compatible.
Question to everyone is their any alternative to NetLogos patches?

Re: Multi-Agent based Simulation

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 2:29 am
by paserra
Hi Chicony,
I'm very interested in you idea.It is possible we can do something together.
Pier Andrea.