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Short article on AI

Posted: Sun May 22, 2011 11:37 pm
by ivan
Hey everybody, check out my short article on game AI using behavior trees:
The examples do not use the Love framework but I think it's not that important,
in a sense that the code is clear and not very framework dependent.

PS. If I make a full fledged module I promise to name it (Crazy Ivan's)AI

Re: Short article on AI

Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 8:40 am
by TsT
Nice :D

Re: Short article on AI

Posted: Sat May 28, 2011 12:28 pm
by ivan
Check it out, part 2 of the AI tutorial is up:

Re: Short article on AI

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 5:20 am
by ivan
Updated to version 1.1. Fixed a couple of bugs in the code.

Re: Short article on AI

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 5:49 pm
by Kadoba
Your website is down for me.

Re: Short article on AI

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 9:09 am
by ivan
Kadoba wrote:Your website is down for me.
Looks like there was some server downtime last night. Should be ok now. :)

Also, if anybody is interested, the AI module could be used for visual effects as well.
Here is a nice little tween class that you can add to the "ai2.lua" module:

Code: Select all

-- Tween
local TweenG = {}
local TweenGMT = { __index = TweenG }

base.setmetatable ( TweenG, { __index = Goal } )

function TweenG:Create ( property, value, time, elapsed )
  local goal = {}
  base.setmetatable ( goal, TweenGMT ) = property
  goal.value = value
  goal.time = time
  goal.elapsed = elapsed or 0

  return goal
function TweenG:Destroy ( ) = nil
  self.value = nil
  self.time = nil
  self.elapsed = nil
function TweenG:Reset ( )
  self.elapsed = 0
function TweenG:Process ( delta, owner )
  self.elapsed = self.elapsed + delta

  -- condition
  if self.elapsed >= self.time then
    owner[] = self.value
    local used = delta - ( self.elapsed - self.time )
    self:Reset ( )
    return completed, used

  -- output
  local ratio = delta / ( self.time - ( self.elapsed - delta ) )
  local value = owner[]
  owner[] = value + ( self.value - value ) * ratio

  return active, delta

Tween = TweenG.Create
This will allow you to modulate any numeric property of the owner object so for example you can do stuff like:

Code: Select all

-- changes the sprite's alpha between 0 and 1 in a 2 second tween:
c = CreateObject ( x, y, r )
c.goal = ai:Sequence ( true )
c.goal:Push ( ai:Tween ( "alpha", 0, 2 ) )
c.goal:Push ( ai:Tween ( "alpha", 1, 2 ) )

Re: Short article on AI

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 8:10 am
by ivan
Check it out, I have a new demo of the AI system. The demo is a simple Asteroids-like game.
The arrow keys move your little ship and Z shoots.
Enemy AI code:

Code: Select all

  local hit = ai:Sequence ( false )
  hit:Push ( ai:ReceiveMSG ( "shot" ) )
  hit:Push ( ai:MoveTo ( x, y ) )
  local goal = ai:Parallel ( true )
  goal:Push ( ai:MoveTo ( 0, 10, speed, id ) )
  goal:Push ( ai:RotateTo ( 0, 0, turnRate, playerID ) )
  goal:Push ( hit )
Basically, the enemies are rotating towards the player and moving forward at the same time.
MoveTo moves the enemy to a given point: 0, 10 (in this case, a position relative to their own heading).
RotateTo rotates the enemy to a given point: 0, 0 (relative to the position of another object - playerID).
Whenever an enemy receives the "shot" message, he moves to x, y which is his initial position (in world coordinates).
Notice that since no speed is specified in the latter case, the enemy is teleported to his initial position.

Bullet AI:

Code: Select all

    local move = ai:Sequence ( false )
    move:Push ( ai:MoveTo ( x, y, speed ) )
    move:Push ( ai:Function ( "DestroyObject", id ) )
    local goal = ai:Parallel ( false )
    goal:Push ( move )
    goal:Push ( ai:SendMSG ( "contacts", "shot" ) )
Bullets move in a straight line and notify all of their contacts of being "shot".
Upon reaching its destination point, each bullet destroys itself.

The AI system is pretty efficient and seems to work pretty smooth with up to 2000 enemies.
You can adjust the number of enemies on the following line:

Code: Select all

-- create enemies
for i = 1, 20, 1 do
I might write a full article on this later on.

Re: Short article on AI

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 9:04 am
by T-Bone
I find the name "" very nice :neko: